Installing GEF-Extras
This page explains to how set up GEF-Extras to work alongside of GEF.
Only GDB 8 and higher is required. It must be compiled with Python 3.6 or higher support. For most people, simply using your distribution package manager should be enough.
GEF will then only work for Python 3. If you absolutely require GDB + Python 2, please use
GEF-Legacy instead. Note that gef-legacy
won't provide new
features, and only functional bugs will be handled.
You can verify it with the following command:
b -nx -ex 'pi print(sys.version)' -ex quit
This should display your version of Python compiled with gdb
$ gdb -nx -ex 'pi print(sys.version)' -ex quit
3.6.9 (default, Nov 7 2019, 10:44:02)
[GCC 8.3.0]
For a quick installation of GEF, you can get started with the following commands:
# via the install script
## using curl
$ bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
## using wget
$ bash -c "$(wget -O -)"
For more advanced installation methods, refer the installation chapter of the GEF documentation.
Python dependencies
Because GEF-Extras allows external dependencies, you must make sure to have the adequate Python libraries installed before you can use the features.
Thankfully this is easily done in Python, as such:
wget -O /tmp/requirements.txt
python -m pip install --user --upgrade -r /tmp/requirements.txt
Installation using Git
Start with cloning this repo:
git clone
Add syscall_args and libc_function_args to context layout:
gef➤ pi gef.config['context.layout'] += ' syscall_args'
gef➤ pi gef.config['context.layout'] += ' libc_function_args'
Add the path to the external scripts to GEF's config:
gef➤ gef config gef.extra_plugins_dir /path/to/gef-extras/scripts
And same for the structures (to be used by
gef➤ gef config pcustom.struct_path /path/to/gef-extras/structs
And for the syscall tables:
gef➤ gef config syscall-args.path /path/to/gef-extras/syscall-tables
And finally for the glibc function call args definition:
gef➤ gef config context.libc_args True
gef➤ gef config context.libc_args_path /path/to/gef-extras/glibc-function-args
And don't forget to save your settings.
gef➤ gef save
Check out the complete documentation on libc argument support.
Note that it is possible to specify multiple directories, separating the paths with a semi-colon:
gef➤ gef config gef.extra_plugins_dir /path/to/dir1;/path/to/dir2
Now run and enjoy all the fun!