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Testing GEF

This page describes how GEF testing is done. Any new command/functionality must receive adequate testing to be merged. Also PR failing CI (test + linting) won't be merged either.


All the prerequisite packages are in requirements.txt file at the root of the project. So running

python -m pip install -r tests/requirements.txt --user -U

is enough to get started.

Running tests

Basic pytest

For testing GEF on the architecture on the host running the tests (most cases), simply run

cd /root/of/gef
python3 -m pytest -v -k "not benchmark" tests

Note that to ensure compatibility, tests must be executed with the same Python version GDB was compiled against. To obtain this version, you can execute the following command:

gdb -q -nx -ex "pi print('.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2])))" -ex quit

At the end, a summary of explanation will be shown, clearly indicating the tests that have failed, for instance:

=================================== short test summary info ==================================
FAILED tests/commands/ - AssertionError: 'siz...
FAILED tests/commands/ - AssertionError: 'siz...
FAILED tests/commands/ - AssertionError: '...
======================== 3 failed, 4 passed, 113 deselected in 385.77s (0:06:25)==============

You can then use pytest directly to help you fix each error specifically.

Using pytest

GEF entirely relies on pytest for its testing. Refer to the project documentation for details.

Adding new code requires extensive testing. Tests can be added in their own module in the tests/ folder. For example, if adding a new command to gef, a new test module should be created and located in /root/of/gef/tests/commands/ The test class must inherit tests.base.RemoteGefUnitTestGeneric. This class allows one to manipulate gdb and gef through rpyc under their respective self._gdb and self._gef attributes.

A skeleton of a test module would look something like:

`my-command` command test module

from tests.utils import RemoteGefUnitTestGeneric

class MyCommandCommand(RemoteGefUnitTestGeneric):
    """`my-command` command test module"""

    def setUp(self) -> None:
        # By default, tests will be executed against the default.out binary
        # You can change this behavior in the `setUp` function
        self._target = debug_target("my-custom-binary-for-tests")
        return super().setUp()

    def test_cmd_my_command(self):
        # some convenience variables
        root, gdb, gef = self._conn.root, self._gdb, self._gef

        # You can then interact with any command from gdb or any class/function/variable from gef
        # For instance:

        # * tests that  `my-command` is expected to fail if the session is not active
        output = gdb.execute("my-command", to_string=True)
        assert output == ERROR_INACTIVE_SESSION_MESSAGE

        # * `my-command` must print "Hello World" message when executed in running context
        output = gdb.execute("my-command", to_string=True)
        assert "Hello World" == output

You might want to refer to the following documentations:

When running your test, you can summon pytest with the --pdb flag to enter the python testing environment to help you get more information about the reason of failure.

One of the most convenient ways to test gef properly is using the pytest integration of modern editors such as VisualStudio Code or PyCharm. Without proper tests, new code will not be integrated.

Also note that GEF can be remotely controlled using the script scripts/ as such:

$ gdb -q -nx
(gdb) source /path/to/gef/
gef➤  source /path/to/gef/scripts/
gef➤  pi start_rpyc_service(4444)

Here RPyC will be started on the local host, and bound to the TCP port 4444. We can now connect using a regular Python REPL:

>>> import rpyc
>>> c = rpyc.connect("localhost", 4444)
>>> gdb = c.root.gdb
>>> gef = c.root.gef
# We can now fully control the remote GDB
>>> gdb.execute("file /bin/ls")
>>> gdb.execute("start")
>>> print(hex(gef.arch.pc))
>>> print(hex(gef.arch.sp))

Linting GEF

You can use the Makefile at the root of the project to get the proper linting settings. For most cases, the following command is enough:

cd /root/of/gef
python3 -m pylint --rcfile .pylintrc

Note that to ensure compatibility, tests must be executed with the same Python version GDB was compiled against. To obtain this version, you can execute the following command:

gdb -q -nx -ex "pi print('.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2])))" -ex quit

Code quality

To ensure a consistent code quality and make it easy for both contributors and developers, GEF and GEF-Extras both rely on pre-commit. The pre-commit tool is a framework used to manage and maintain multi-language pre-commit hooks. These hooks are scripts that run automatically before each commit to identify issues in code, such as missing semicolons, trailing whitespace, and debug statements. This helps in ensuring code quality and consistency before submission to code review, and therefore is triggered automatically when submitting a Pull Request to GEF. This check is treated equally with the unit tests and therefore failing to pass will result in your PR not being merged.

pre-commit is part of the dev package requirements

cd /root/to/gef/repo
python -m pip install --user -r tests/requirements.txt

But if you need to install separately it can be done using

python -m pip install pre-commit

And to enable it

pre-commit install

By default, pre-commit will use git hook to run the validation checks after each commit but you can modify this behavior as desired or even run it manually

pre-commit run --all-files

By default, pre-commit will report and attempt to fix the code to match what the coding style defined with GEF.

Benchmarking GEF

Benchmarking relies on pytest-benchmark and is experimental for now.

You can run all benchmark test cases as such:

cd /root/of/gef
pytest -k benchmark

which will return (after some time) an execution summary

tests/perf/ ..                                                               [100%]

---------------------------------------- benchmark: 3 tests -----------------------------------
Name (time in ms)          Min                 Max                Mean            StdDev              Median                IQR            Outliers     OPS            Rounds  Iterations
time_baseline         612.2325 (1.0)      630.3416 (1.01)     623.7984 (1.01)     7.2848 (1.64)     626.1485 (1.01)      9.9971 (1.81)          1;0  1.6031 (0.99)          5           1
time_cmd_context      613.8124 (1.00)     625.8964 (1.0)      620.1908 (1.0)      4.4532 (1.0)      619.8831 (1.0)       5.5109 (1.0)           2;0  1.6124 (1.0)           5           1
time_elf_parsing      616.5053 (1.01)     638.6965 (1.02)     628.1588 (1.01)     8.2465 (1.85)     629.0099 (1.01)     10.7885 (1.96)          2;0  1.5920 (0.99)          5           1

  Outliers: 1 Standard Deviation from Mean; 1.5 IQR (InterQuartile Range) from 1st Quartile and 3rd Quartile.
  OPS: Operations Per Second, computed as 1 / Mean
============================================== 3 passed, 117 deselected in 14.78s =============================================