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Command memory

As long as the 'memory' section is enabled in your context layout (which it is by default), you can register addresses, lengths, and grouping size.

memory watch

Note: this command should NOT be mistaken with the GDB watch command meant to set breakpoints on memory access (read,write,exec).

Adding a watch

Specify a location to watch and display with the context, along with their optional size and format:


memory watch <ADDRESS> [SIZE] [(qword|dword|word|byte|pointers)]

If the format specified is pointers, then the output will be similar to executing the command dereference $address. For all other format, the output will be an hexdump of the designated location.

Note that the address format is a GDB therefore a symbol can be passed to it. It also supports GEF functions format allowing to easily track commonly used addresses:

For example, to watch the first 5 entries of the GOT as pointers:

gef ➤ memory watch $_got()+0x18 5
[+] Adding memwatch to 0x555555773c50

Which, when the context is displayed, will show something like:


Removing a watch

Remove a watched address. To list all the addresses being watched, use memory list.


memory unwatch <ADDRESS>

Listing watches

Enumerate all the addresses currently watched by the memory command.


memory list

The command will output a list of all the addresses watched, along with the size and format to display them as.

Resetting watches

Empties the list of addresses to watch.


memory reset