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Command bytearray

The bytearray generate a binary with data between 0x01 and 0xff. In general the created file is used to compare (using the bincompare command) with a memory data in order to check badchars.

bytearray also accepts one option:

  • -b (for badchar) will exclude the bytes to generated byte array.

Example without excluding bytes:

gef➤  bytearray
[+] Generating table, excluding 0 bad chars...
[+] Dumping table to file
[+] Done, wrote 256 bytes to file bytearray.txt

[+] Binary output saved in bytearray.bin

Example excluding bytes (0x00, 0x0a and 0x0d):

gef➤  bytearray -b "\x00\x0a\x0d"
[+] Generating table, excluding 3 bad chars...
[+] Dumping table to file
[+] Done, wrote 253 bytes to file bytearray.txt
[+] Binary output saved in bytearray.bin