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Command unicorn-emulate

If you have installed unicorn emulation engine and its Python bindings, GEF integrates a new command to emulate instructions of your current debugging context !

This unicorn-emulate command (or its alias emu) will replicate the current memory mapping (including the page permissions) for you, and by default (i.e. without any additional argument), it will emulate the execution of the instruction about to be executed (i.e. the one pointed by $pc). Furthermore the command will print out the state of the registers before and after the emulation.

Use -h for help:

gef➤ emu -h

For example, the following command will emulate only the next 2 instructions:

gef➤ emu 2

And show this:


In this example, we can see that after executing

0x555555555171 <main+8>         sub    rsp, 0x10
0x555555555175 <main+12>        mov    edi, 0x100

The registers rsp and rdi are tainted (modified).

A convenient option is --output-file /path/to/ that will generate a pure Python script embedding your current execution context, ready to be re-used outside GEF!! This can be useful for dealing with obfuscation or solve crackmes if powered with a SMT for instance.