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module GEF

Global Variables

  • TICK
  • gdb_initial_settings
  • cmd
  • gef
  • progspace
  • disable_tr_overwrite_setting
  • warnmsg
  • hook

function http_get

http_get(url: str) → Optional[bytes]

Basic HTTP wrapper for GET request. Return the body of the page if HTTP code is OK, otherwise return None.

function update_gef

update_gef(argv: List[str]) → int

Obsolete. Use

function reset_all_caches

reset_all_caches() → None

Free all caches. If an object is cached, it will have a callable attribute cache_clear which will be invoked to purge the function cache.

function reset

reset() → None

function highlight_text

highlight_text(text: str) → str

Highlight text using gef.ui.highlight_table { match -> color } settings.

If RegEx is enabled it will create a match group around all items in the gef.ui.highlight_table and wrap the specified color in the gef.ui.highlight_table around those matches.

If RegEx is disabled, split by ANSI codes and 'colorify' each match found within the specified string.

function gef_print

gef_print(*args: str, end='\n', sep=' ', **kwargs: Any) → None

Wrapper around print(), using string buffering feature.

function bufferize

bufferize(f: Callable) → Callable

Store the content to be printed for a function in memory, and flush it on function exit.

function p8

    x: int,
    s: bool = False,
    e: Optional[ForwardRef('Endianness')] = None
) → bytes

Pack one byte respecting the current architecture endianness.

function p16

    x: int,
    s: bool = False,
    e: Optional[ForwardRef('Endianness')] = None
) → bytes

Pack one word respecting the current architecture endianness.

function p32

    x: int,
    s: bool = False,
    e: Optional[ForwardRef('Endianness')] = None
) → bytes

Pack one dword respecting the current architecture endianness.

function p64

    x: int,
    s: bool = False,
    e: Optional[ForwardRef('Endianness')] = None
) → bytes

Pack one qword respecting the current architecture endianness.

function u8

    x: bytes,
    s: bool = False,
    e: Optional[ForwardRef('Endianness')] = None
) → int

Unpack one byte respecting the current architecture endianness.

function u16

    x: bytes,
    s: bool = False,
    e: Optional[ForwardRef('Endianness')] = None
) → int

Unpack one word respecting the current architecture endianness.

function u32

    x: bytes,
    s: bool = False,
    e: Optional[ForwardRef('Endianness')] = None
) → int

Unpack one dword respecting the current architecture endianness.

function u64

    x: bytes,
    s: bool = False,
    e: Optional[ForwardRef('Endianness')] = None
) → int

Unpack one qword respecting the current architecture endianness.

function is_ascii_string

is_ascii_string(address: int) → bool

Helper function to determine if the buffer pointed by address is an ASCII string (in GDB)

function is_alive

is_alive() → bool

Check if GDB is running.

function calling_function

calling_function() → Optional[str]

Return the name of the calling function

function only_if_gdb_running

only_if_gdb_running(f: Callable) → Callable

Decorator wrapper to check if GDB is running.

function only_if_gdb_target_local

only_if_gdb_target_local(f: Callable) → Callable

Decorator wrapper to check if GDB is running locally (target not remote).

function deprecated

deprecated(solution: str = '') → Callable

Decorator to add a warning when a command is obsolete and will be removed.

function experimental_feature

experimental_feature(f: Callable) → Callable

Decorator to add a warning when a feature is experimental.

function only_if_events_supported

only_if_events_supported(event_type: str) → Callable

Checks if GDB supports events without crashing.

function wrapped_f

wrapped_f(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Any

function wrapped_f

wrapped_f(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Any

function wrapped_f

wrapped_f(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Any

function wrapped_f

wrapped_f(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Any

function wrapped_f

wrapped_f(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Any

function wrapped_f

wrapped_f(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Any

function wrapped_f

wrapped_f(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Any

function wrapped_f

wrapped_f(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Any

function wrapped_f

wrapped_f(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Any

function wrapped_f

wrapped_f(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Any

function wrapped_f

wrapped_f(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Any

function wrapped_f

wrapped_f(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Any

function wrapped_f

wrapped_f(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Any

function wrapped_f

wrapped_f(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Any

function FakeExit

FakeExit(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → NoReturn

function parse_arguments

    required_arguments: Dict[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]], Any],
    optional_arguments: Dict[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]], Any]
) → Callable

Argument parsing decorator.

function search_for_main_arena

search_for_main_arena() → int

search_for_main_arena is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use GefHeapManager.find_main_arena_addr()

function get_libc_version

get_libc_version() → Tuple[int, ...]

get_libc_version is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use GefLibcManager.find_libc_version()

function titlify

    text: str,
    color: Optional[str] = None,
    msg_color: Optional[str] = None
) → str

Print a centered title.

function dbg

dbg(msg: str) → None

function err

err(msg: str) → None

function warn

warn(msg: str) → None

function ok

ok(msg: str) → None

function info

info(msg: str) → None

function push_context_message

push_context_message(level: str, message: str) → None

Push the message to be displayed the next time the context is invoked.

function show_last_exception

show_last_exception() → None

Display the last Python exception.

function gef_pystring

gef_pystring(x: bytes) → str

Returns a sanitized version as string of the bytes list given in input.

function gef_pybytes

gef_pybytes(x: str) → bytes

Returns an immutable bytes list from the string given as input.

function style_byte

style_byte(b: int, color: bool = True) → str

function hexdump

    source: ByteString,
    length: int = 16,
    separator: str = '.',
    show_raw: bool = False,
    show_symbol: bool = True,
    base: int = 0
) → str

Return the hexdump of src argument. @param source MUST be of type bytes or bytearray @param length is the length of items per line @param separator is the default character to use if one byte is not printable @param show_raw if True, do not add the line nor the text translation @param base is the start address of the block being hexdump @return a string with the hexdump

function is_debug

is_debug() → bool

Check if debug mode is enabled.

function buffer_output

buffer_output() → bool

Check if output should be buffered until command completion.

function hide_context

hide_context() → bool

Helper function to hide the context pane.

function unhide_context

unhide_context() → bool

Helper function to unhide the context pane.

function enable_redirect_output

enable_redirect_output(to_file: str = '/dev/null') → None

Redirect all GDB output to to_file parameter. By default, to_file redirects to /dev/null.

function disable_redirect_output

disable_redirect_output() → None

Disable the output redirection, if any.

function gef_makedirs

gef_makedirs(path: str, mode: int = 493) → Path

Recursive mkdir() creation. If successful, return the absolute path of the directory created. gef_makedirs is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. use pathlib.Path(...).mkdir()

function gdb_disassemble

    start_pc: int,
    **kwargs: int
) → Generator[__main__.Instruction, NoneType, NoneType]

Disassemble instructions from start_pc (Integer). Accepts the following named


  • end_pc (Integer) only instructions whose start address fall in the interval from start_pc to end_pc are returned.
  • count (Integer) list at most this many disassembled instructions If end_pc and count are not provided, the function will behave as if count=1. Return an iterator of Instruction objects

function gdb_get_nth_previous_instruction_address

gdb_get_nth_previous_instruction_address(addr: int, n: int) → Optional[int]

Return the address (Integer) of the n-th instruction before addr.

function gdb_get_nth_next_instruction_address

gdb_get_nth_next_instruction_address(addr: int, n: int) → int

Return the address of the n-th instruction after addr. gdb_get_nth_next_instruction_address is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use gef_instruction_n().address

function gef_instruction_n

gef_instruction_n(addr: int, n: int) → Instruction

Return the n-th instruction after addr as an Instruction object. Note that n is treated as an positive index, starting from 0 (current instruction address)

function gef_get_instruction_at

gef_get_instruction_at(addr: int) → Instruction

Return the full Instruction found at the specified address.

function gef_current_instruction

gef_current_instruction(addr: int) → Instruction

Return the current instruction as an Instruction object.

function gef_next_instruction

gef_next_instruction(addr: int) → Instruction

Return the next instruction as an Instruction object.

function gef_disassemble

    addr: int,
    nb_insn: int,
    nb_prev: int = 0
) → Generator[__main__.Instruction, NoneType, NoneType]

Disassemble nb_insn instructions after addr and nb_prev before addr. Return an iterator of Instruction objects.

function gef_execute_external

    command: Sequence[str],
    as_list: bool = False,
    **kwargs: Any
) → Union[str, List[str]]

Execute an external command and return the result.

function gef_execute_gdb_script

gef_execute_gdb_script(commands: str) → None

Execute the parameter source as GDB command. This is done by writing commands to a temporary file, which is then executed via GDB source command. The tempfile is then deleted.

function checksec

checksec(filename: str) → Dict[str, bool]

checksec is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use Elf(fname).checksec()

function get_arch

get_arch() → str

Return the binary's architecture. get_arch is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use gef.arch instead

function get_entry_point

get_entry_point() → Optional[int]

Return the binary entry point. get_entry_point is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use gef.binary.entry_point instead

function is_pie

is_pie(fpath: str) → bool

function is_big_endian

is_big_endian() → bool

is_big_endian is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Prefer gef.arch.endianness == Endianness.BIG_ENDIAN

function is_little_endian

is_little_endian() → bool

is_little_endian is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. gef.arch.endianness == Endianness.LITTLE_ENDIAN

function flags_to_human

flags_to_human(reg_value: int, value_table: Dict[int, str]) → str

Return a human readable string showing the flag states.

function register_architecture

    cls: Type[ForwardRef('Architecture')]
) → Type[ForwardRef('Architecture')]

register_architecture is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Using the decorator register_architecture is unecessary

function copy_to_clipboard

copy_to_clipboard(data: bytes) → None

Helper function to submit data to the clipboard

function use_stdtype

use_stdtype() → str

function use_default_type

use_default_type() → str

function use_golang_type

use_golang_type() → str

function use_rust_type

use_rust_type() → str

function to_unsigned_long

to_unsigned_long(v: gdb.Value) → int

Cast a gdb.Value to unsigned long.

function get_path_from_info_proc

get_path_from_info_proc() → Optional[str]

function get_os

get_os() → str

get_os is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use gef.session.os

function get_filepath

get_filepath() → Optional[str]

Return the local absolute path of the file currently debugged.

function get_function_length

get_function_length(sym: str) → int

Attempt to get the length of the raw bytes of a function.

function process_lookup_address

process_lookup_address(address: int) → Optional[__main__.Section]

Look up for an address in memory. Return an Address object if found, None otherwise.

function xor

xor(data: ByteString, key: str) → bytearray

Return data xor-ed with key.

function is_hex

is_hex(pattern: str) → bool

Return whether provided string is a hexadecimal value.

function continue_handler

continue_handler(_: '') → None

GDB event handler for new object continue cases.

function hook_stop_handler

hook_stop_handler(_: '') → None

GDB event handler for stop cases.

function new_objfile_handler

    evt: Optional[ForwardRef('')]
) → None

GDB event handler for new object file cases.

function exit_handler

exit_handler(_: '') → None

GDB event handler for exit cases.

function memchanged_handler

memchanged_handler(_: '') → None

GDB event handler for mem changes cases.

function regchanged_handler

regchanged_handler(_: '') → None

GDB event handler for reg changes cases.

function get_terminal_size

get_terminal_size() → Tuple[int, int]

Return the current terminal size.

function reset_architecture

reset_architecture(arch: Optional[str] = None) → None

Sets the current architecture. If an architecture is explicitly specified by parameter, try to use that one. If this fails, an OSError exception will occur. If no architecture is specified, then GEF will attempt to determine automatically based on the current ELF target. If this fails, an OSError exception will occur.

function get_memory_alignment

get_memory_alignment(in_bits: bool = False) → int

Try to determine the size of a pointer on this system. First, try to parse it out of the ELF header. Next, use the size of size_t. Finally, try the size of $pc. If in_bits is set to True, the result is returned in bits, otherwise in bytes. get_memory_alignment is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use gef.arch.ptrsize instead

function clear_screen

clear_screen(tty: str = '') → None

Clear the screen.

function format_address

format_address(addr: int) → str

Format the address according to its size.

function format_address_spaces

format_address_spaces(addr: int, left: bool = True) → str

Format the address according to its size, but with spaces instead of zeroes.

function align_address

align_address(address: int) → int

Align the provided address to the process's native length.

function align_address_to_size

align_address_to_size(address: int, align: int) → int

Align the address to the given size.

function align_address_to_page

align_address_to_page(address: int) → int

Align the address to a page.

function parse_address

parse_address(address: str) → int

Parse an address and return it as an Integer.

function is_in_x86_kernel

is_in_x86_kernel(address: int) → bool

function is_remote_debug

is_remote_debug() → bool

"Return True is the current debugging session is running through GDB remote session.

function de_bruijn

de_bruijn(alphabet: bytes, n: int) → Generator[int, NoneType, NoneType]

De Bruijn sequence for alphabet and subsequences of length n (for compat. w/ pwnlib).

function generate_cyclic_pattern

generate_cyclic_pattern(length: int, cycle: int = 4) → bytearray

Create a length byte bytearray of a de Bruijn cyclic pattern.

function safe_parse_and_eval

safe_parse_and_eval(value: str) → Optional[ForwardRef('gdb.Value')]

GEF wrapper for gdb.parse_and_eval(): this function returns None instead of raising gdb.error if the eval failed.

function gef_convenience

gef_convenience(value: Union[str, bytes]) → str

Defines a new convenience value.

function parse_string_range

parse_string_range(s: str) → Iterator[int]

Parses an address range (e.g. 0x400000-0x401000)

function gef_get_pie_breakpoint

gef_get_pie_breakpoint(num: int) → PieVirtualBreakpoint

gef_get_pie_breakpoint is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use gef.session.pie_breakpoints[num]

function endian_str

endian_str() → str

endian_str is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use str(gef.arch.endianness) instead

function get_gef_setting

get_gef_setting(name: str) → Any

get_gef_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use gef.config[key]

function set_gef_setting

set_gef_setting(name: str, value: Any) → None

set_gef_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use gef.config[key] = value

function gef_getpagesize

gef_getpagesize() → int

gef_getpagesize is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use gef.session.pagesize

function gef_read_canary

gef_read_canary() → Optional[Tuple[int, int]]

gef_read_canary is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use gef.session.canary

function get_pid

get_pid() → int

get_pid is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use

function get_filename

get_filename() → str

get_filename is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use

function get_glibc_arena

get_glibc_arena() → Optional[__main__.GlibcArena]

get_glibc_arena is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use gef.heap.main_arena

function get_register

get_register(regname) → Optional[int]

get_register is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use gef.arch.register(regname)

function get_process_maps

get_process_maps() → List[__main__.Section]

get_process_maps is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use gef.memory.maps

function set_arch

set_arch(arch: Optional[str] = None, _: Optional[str] = None) → None

set_arch is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use reset_architecture

function register_external_context_pane

    pane_name: str,
    display_pane_function: Callable[[], NoneType],
    pane_title_function: Callable[[], Optional[str]],
    condition: Optional[Callable[[], bool]] = None
) → None

Registering function for new GEF Context View. pane_name: a string that has no spaces (used in settings) display_pane_function: a function that uses gef_print() to print strings pane_title_function: a function that returns a string or None, which will be displayed as the title. If None, no title line is displayed. condition: an optional callback: if not None, the callback will be executed first. If it returns true, then only the pane title and content will displayed. Otherwise, it's simply skipped.

Example usage for a simple text to show when we hit a syscall: def only_syscall(): return gef_current_instruction(gef.arch.pc).is_syscall() def display_pane(): gef_print("Wow, I am a context pane!") def pane_title(): return "example:pane" register_external_context_pane("example_pane", display_pane, pane_title, only_syscall)

function register_external_context_layout_mapping

    current_pane_name: str,
    display_pane_function: Callable[[], NoneType],
    pane_title_function: Callable[[], Optional[str]],
    condition: Optional[Callable[[], bool]] = None
) → None

function register_external_command

    cls: Type[ForwardRef('GenericCommand')]
) → Type[ForwardRef('GenericCommand')]

Registering function for new GEF (sub-)command to GDB. register_external_command is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use register(), and inherit from GenericCommand instead

function register_command

    cls: Type[ForwardRef('GenericCommand')]
) → Type[ForwardRef('GenericCommand')]

Decorator for registering new GEF (sub-)command to GDB. register_command is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use register(), and inherit from GenericCommand instead

function register_priority_command

    cls: Type[ForwardRef('GenericCommand')]
) → Type[ForwardRef('GenericCommand')]

Decorator for registering new command with priority, meaning that it must loaded before the other generic commands. register_priority_command is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future.

function register

    cls: Union[Type[ForwardRef('ValidCommandType')], Type[ForwardRef('ValidFunctionType')]]
) → Union[Type[ForwardRef('ValidCommandType')], Type[ForwardRef('ValidFunctionType')]]

function register_function

    cls: Type[ForwardRef('GenericFunction')]
) → Type[ForwardRef('GenericFunction')]

Decorator for registering a new convenience function to GDB. register_function is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future.

function target_remote_posthook


class AARCH64

property AARCH64.cpsr

property AARCH64.endianness

property AARCH64.fp

property AARCH64.instruction_length

property AARCH64.pc

property AARCH64.ptrsize

Determine the size of pointer from the current CPU mode

property AARCH64.registers

property AARCH64.sp

function AARCH64.canary_address

canary_address() → int

function AARCH64.flag_register_to_human

flag_register_to_human(val: Optional[int] = None) → str

function AARCH64.get_ith_parameter

get_ith_parameter(i: int, in_func: bool = True) → Tuple[str, Optional[int]]

Retrieves the correct parameter used for the current function call.

function AARCH64.get_ra

get_ra(insn: __main__.Instruction, frame: 'gdb.Frame') → Optional[int]

function AARCH64.is_aarch32

is_aarch32() → bool

Determine if the CPU is currently in AARCH32 mode from runtime.

function AARCH64.is_branch_taken

is_branch_taken(insn: __main__.Instruction) → Tuple[bool, str]

function AARCH64.is_call

is_call(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function AARCH64.is_conditional_branch

is_conditional_branch(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function AARCH64.is_ret

is_ret(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function AARCH64.is_thumb

is_thumb() → bool

Determine if the machine is currently in THUMB mode.

function AARCH64.is_thumb32

is_thumb32() → bool

Determine if the CPU is currently in THUMB32 mode from runtime.

function AARCH64.mprotect_asm

mprotect_asm(addr: int, size: int, perm: __main__.Permission) → str

function AARCH64.register

register(name: str) → int

function AARCH64.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

function AARCH64.supports_gdb_arch

supports_gdb_arch(gdb_arch: str) → Optional[bool]

If implemented by a child Architecture, this function dictates if the current class supports the loaded ELF file (which can be accessed via gef.binary). This callback function will override any assumption made by GEF to determine the architecture.

class ARM

property ARM.cpsr

property ARM.endianness

property ARM.fp

property ARM.instruction_length

property ARM.mode

property ARM.pc

property ARM.ptrsize

property ARM.registers

property ARM.sp

function ARM.canary_address

canary_address() → int

function ARM.flag_register_to_human

flag_register_to_human(val: Optional[int] = None) → str

function ARM.get_ith_parameter

get_ith_parameter(i: int, in_func: bool = True) → Tuple[str, Optional[int]]

Retrieves the correct parameter used for the current function call.

function ARM.get_ra

get_ra(insn: __main__.Instruction, frame: 'gdb.Frame') → Optional[int]

function ARM.is_branch_taken

is_branch_taken(insn: __main__.Instruction) → Tuple[bool, str]

function ARM.is_call

is_call(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function ARM.is_conditional_branch

is_conditional_branch(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function ARM.is_ret

is_ret(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function ARM.is_thumb

is_thumb() → bool

Determine if the machine is currently in THUMB mode.

function ARM.mprotect_asm

mprotect_asm(addr: int, size: int, perm: __main__.Permission) → str

function ARM.register

register(name: str) → int

function ARM.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

function ARM.supports_gdb_arch

supports_gdb_arch(gdb_arch: str) → Optional[bool]

If implemented by a child Architecture, this function dictates if the current class supports the loaded ELF file (which can be accessed via gef.binary). This callback function will override any assumption made by GEF to determine the architecture.

class ASLRCommand

View/modify the ASLR setting of GDB. By default, GDB will disable ASLR when it starts the process. (i.e. not attached). This command allows to change that setting.

function ASLRCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property ASLRCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function ASLRCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function ASLRCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function ASLRCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function ASLRCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function ASLRCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function ASLRCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function ASLRCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function ASLRCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function ASLRCommand.usage

usage() → None

class Address

GEF representation of memory addresses.

function Address.__init__

__init__(**kwargs: Any) → None

property Address.valid

function Address.dereference

dereference() → Optional[int]

function Address.is_in_heap_segment

is_in_heap_segment() → bool

function Address.is_in_stack_segment

is_in_stack_segment() → bool

function Address.is_in_text_segment

is_in_text_segment() → bool

class AliasesAddCommand

Command to add aliases.

function AliasesAddCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property AliasesAddCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function AliasesAddCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function AliasesAddCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function AliasesAddCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function AliasesAddCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function AliasesAddCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function AliasesAddCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function AliasesAddCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function AliasesAddCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function AliasesAddCommand.usage

usage() → None

class AliasesCommand

Base command to add, remove, or list aliases.

function AliasesCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property AliasesCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function AliasesCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function AliasesCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function AliasesCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(_: List[str]) → None

function AliasesCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function AliasesCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function AliasesCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function AliasesCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function AliasesCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function AliasesCommand.usage

usage() → None

class AliasesListCommand

Command to list aliases.

function AliasesListCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property AliasesListCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function AliasesListCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function AliasesListCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function AliasesListCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(_: List[str]) → None

function AliasesListCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function AliasesListCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function AliasesListCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function AliasesListCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function AliasesListCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function AliasesListCommand.usage

usage() → None

class AliasesRmCommand

Command to remove aliases.

function AliasesRmCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property AliasesRmCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function AliasesRmCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function AliasesRmCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function AliasesRmCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function AliasesRmCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function AliasesRmCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function AliasesRmCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function AliasesRmCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function AliasesRmCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function AliasesRmCommand.usage

usage() → None

class AlreadyRegisteredException

class ArchCommand

Manage the current loaded architecture.

function ArchCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property ArchCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function ArchCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function ArchCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function ArchCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function ArchCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function ArchCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function ArchCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function ArchCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function ArchCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function ArchCommand.usage

usage() → None

class ArchGetCommand

Get the current loaded architecture.

function ArchGetCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property ArchGetCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function ArchGetCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function ArchGetCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function ArchGetCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(args: List[str]) → None

function ArchGetCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function ArchGetCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function ArchGetCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function ArchGetCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function ArchGetCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function ArchGetCommand.usage

usage() → None

class ArchListCommand

List the available architectures.

function ArchListCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property ArchListCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function ArchListCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function ArchListCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function ArchListCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(args: List[str]) → None

function ArchListCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function ArchListCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function ArchListCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function ArchListCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function ArchListCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function ArchListCommand.usage

usage() → None

class ArchSetCommand

Set the current loaded architecture.

function ArchSetCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property ArchSetCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function ArchSetCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function ArchSetCommand.complete

complete(text: str, word: str) → List[str]

function ArchSetCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function ArchSetCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(args: List[str]) → None

function ArchSetCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function ArchSetCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function ArchSetCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function ArchSetCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function ArchSetCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function ArchSetCommand.usage

usage() → None

class Architecture

Generic metaclass for the architecture supported by GEF.

property Architecture.endianness

property Architecture.fp

property Architecture.pc

property Architecture.ptrsize

property Architecture.registers

property Architecture.sp

function Architecture.canary_address

canary_address() → int

function Architecture.flag_register_to_human

flag_register_to_human(val: Optional[int] = None) → str

function Architecture.get_ith_parameter

get_ith_parameter(i: int, in_func: bool = True) → Tuple[str, Optional[int]]

Retrieves the correct parameter used for the current function call.

function Architecture.get_ra

get_ra(insn: __main__.Instruction, frame: 'gdb.Frame') → Optional[int]

function Architecture.is_branch_taken

is_branch_taken(insn: __main__.Instruction) → Tuple[bool, str]

function Architecture.is_call

is_call(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function Architecture.is_conditional_branch

is_conditional_branch(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function Architecture.is_ret

is_ret(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function Architecture.mprotect_asm

mprotect_asm(addr: int, size: int, perm: __main__.Permission) → str

function Architecture.register

register(name: str) → int

function Architecture.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

function Architecture.supports_gdb_arch

supports_gdb_arch(gdb_arch: str) → Optional[bool]

If implemented by a child Architecture, this function dictates if the current class supports the loaded ELF file (which can be accessed via gef.binary). This callback function will override any assumption made by GEF to determine the architecture.

class ArchitectureBase

Class decorator for declaring an architecture to GEF.

class BssBaseFunction

Return the current bss base address plus the given offset.

function BssBaseFunction.__init__

__init__() → None

function BssBaseFunction.arg_to_long

arg_to_long(args: List, index: int, default: int = 0) → int

function BssBaseFunction.do_invoke

do_invoke(args: List) → int

function BssBaseFunction.invoke

invoke(*args: Any) → int

class CanaryCommand

Shows the canary value of the current process.

function CanaryCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property CanaryCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function CanaryCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function CanaryCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function CanaryCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function CanaryCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function CanaryCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function CanaryCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function CanaryCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function CanaryCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function CanaryCommand.usage

usage() → None

class ChangeFdCommand

ChangeFdCommand: redirect file descriptor during runtime.

function ChangeFdCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property ChangeFdCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function ChangeFdCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function ChangeFdCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function ChangeFdCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function ChangeFdCommand.get_fd_from_result

get_fd_from_result(res: str) → int

function ChangeFdCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function ChangeFdCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function ChangeFdCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function ChangeFdCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function ChangeFdCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function ChangeFdCommand.usage

usage() → None

class ChangePermissionBreakpoint

When hit, this temporary breakpoint will restore the original code, and position $pc correctly.

function ChangePermissionBreakpoint.__init__

__init__(loc: str, code: ByteString, pc: int) → None

function ChangePermissionBreakpoint.stop

stop() → bool

class ChecksecCommand

Checksec the security properties of the current executable or passed as argument. The command checks for the following protections: - PIE - NX - RelRO - Glibc Stack Canaries - Fortify Source

function ChecksecCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property ChecksecCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function ChecksecCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function ChecksecCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function ChecksecCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function ChecksecCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function ChecksecCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function ChecksecCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function ChecksecCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function ChecksecCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function ChecksecCommand.print_security_properties

print_security_properties(filename: str) → None

function ChecksecCommand.usage

usage() → None

class Color

Used to colorify terminal output.

function Color.blinkify

blinkify(msg: str) → str

function Color.blueify

blueify(msg: str) → str

function Color.boldify

boldify(msg: str) → str

function Color.colorify

colorify(text: str, attrs: str) → str

Color text according to the given attributes.

function Color.cyanify

cyanify(msg: str) → str

function Color.grayify

grayify(msg: str) → str

function Color.greenify

greenify(msg: str) → str

function Color.highlightify

highlightify(msg: str) → str

function Color.light_grayify

light_grayify(msg: str) → str

function Color.pinkify

pinkify(msg: str) → str

function Color.redify

redify(msg: str) → str

function Color.underlinify

underlinify(msg: str) → str

function Color.yellowify

yellowify(msg: str) → str

class ContextCommand

Displays a comprehensive and modular summary of runtime context. Unless setting enable is set to False, this command will be spawned automatically every time GDB hits a breakpoint, a watchpoint, or any kind of interrupt. By default, it will show panes that contain the register states, the stack, and the disassembly code around $pc.

function ContextCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property ContextCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function ContextCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function ContextCommand.addr_has_breakpoint

addr_has_breakpoint(address: int, bp_locations: List[str]) → bool

function ContextCommand.context_additional_information

context_additional_information() → None

function ContextCommand.context_args

context_args() → None

function ContextCommand.context_code

context_code() → None

function ContextCommand.context_memory

context_memory() → None

function ContextCommand.context_regs

context_regs() → None

function ContextCommand.context_source

context_source() → None

function ContextCommand.context_stack

context_stack() → None

function ContextCommand.context_threads

context_threads() → None

function ContextCommand.context_title

context_title(m: Optional[str]) → None

function ContextCommand.context_trace

context_trace() → None

function ContextCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function ContextCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function ContextCommand.empty_extra_messages

empty_extra_messages(_) → None

function ContextCommand.get_pc_context_info

get_pc_context_info(pc: int, line: str) → str

function ContextCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function ContextCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function ContextCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function ContextCommand.line_has_breakpoint

    file_name: str,
    line_number: int,
    bp_locations: List[str]
) → bool

function ContextCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function ContextCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function ContextCommand.print_arguments_from_symbol

print_arguments_from_symbol(function_name: str, symbol: 'gdb.Symbol') → None

If symbols were found, parse them and print the argument adequately.

function ContextCommand.print_guessed_arguments

print_guessed_arguments(function_name: str) → None

When no symbol, read the current basic block and look for "interesting" instructions.

function ContextCommand.show_legend

show_legend() → None

function ContextCommand.update_registers

update_registers(_) → None

function ContextCommand.usage

usage() → None

class DereferenceCommand

Dereference recursively from an address and display information. This acts like WinDBG dps command.

function DereferenceCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property DereferenceCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function DereferenceCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function DereferenceCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function DereferenceCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function DereferenceCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function DereferenceCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function DereferenceCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function DereferenceCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function DereferenceCommand.pprint_dereferenced

pprint_dereferenced(addr: int, idx: int, base_offset: int = 0) → str

function DereferenceCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function DereferenceCommand.usage

usage() → None

class DetailRegistersCommand

Display full details on one, many or all registers value from current architecture.

function DetailRegistersCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property DetailRegistersCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function DetailRegistersCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function DetailRegistersCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function DetailRegistersCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function DetailRegistersCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function DetailRegistersCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function DetailRegistersCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function DetailRegistersCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function DetailRegistersCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function DetailRegistersCommand.usage

usage() → None

class DisableContextOutputContext

class Elf

Basic ELF parsing. Ref: - - -

function Elf.__init__

__init__(path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) → None

Instantiate an ELF object. A valid ELF must be provided, or an exception will be thrown.

property Elf.checksec

Check the security property of the ELF binary. The following properties are: - Canary - NX - PIE - Fortify - Partial/Full RelRO. Return a dict() with the different keys mentioned above, and the boolean associated whether the protection was found.

property Elf.entry_point

function Elf.is_valid

is_valid(path: pathlib.Path) → bool


read(size: int) → bytes

function Elf.read_and_unpack

read_and_unpack(fmt: str) → Tuple[Any, ...]


seek(off: int) → None

class ElfInfoCommand

Display a limited subset of ELF header information. If no argument is provided, the command will show information about the current ELF being debugged.

function ElfInfoCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property ElfInfoCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function ElfInfoCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function ElfInfoCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function ElfInfoCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function ElfInfoCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function ElfInfoCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function ElfInfoCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function ElfInfoCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function ElfInfoCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function ElfInfoCommand.usage

usage() → None

class Endianness

An enumeration.

class EntryBreakBreakpoint

Breakpoint used internally to stop execution at the most convenient entry point.

function EntryBreakBreakpoint.__init__

__init__(location: str) → None

function EntryBreakBreakpoint.stop

stop() → bool

class EntryPointBreakCommand

Tries to find best entry point and sets a temporary breakpoint on it. The command will test for well-known symbols for entry points, such as main, _main, __libc_start_main, etc. defined by the setting entrypoint_symbols.

function EntryPointBreakCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property EntryPointBreakCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function EntryPointBreakCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function EntryPointBreakCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function EntryPointBreakCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function EntryPointBreakCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function EntryPointBreakCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function EntryPointBreakCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function EntryPointBreakCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function EntryPointBreakCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function EntryPointBreakCommand.set_init_tbreak

set_init_tbreak(addr: int) → EntryBreakBreakpoint

function EntryPointBreakCommand.set_init_tbreak_pie

set_init_tbreak_pie(addr: int, argv: List[str]) → EntryBreakBreakpoint

function EntryPointBreakCommand.usage

usage() → None

class ExternalStructureManager

function ExternalStructureManager.__init__

__init__() → None

property ExternalStructureManager.modules

property ExternalStructureManager.path

property ExternalStructureManager.structures

handler ExternalStructureManager.find

function ExternalStructureManager.clear_caches

clear_caches() → None

class FileFormat

function FileFormat.__init__

__init__(path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) → None

function FileFormat.is_valid

is_valid(_: pathlib.Path) → bool

class FileFormatSection

class FlagsCommand

Edit flags in a human friendly way.

function FlagsCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property FlagsCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function FlagsCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function FlagsCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function FlagsCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function FlagsCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function FlagsCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function FlagsCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function FlagsCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function FlagsCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function FlagsCommand.usage

usage() → None

class FormatStringBreakpoint

Inspect stack for format string.

function FormatStringBreakpoint.__init__

__init__(spec: str, num_args: int) → None

function FormatStringBreakpoint.stop

stop() → bool

class FormatStringSearchCommand

Exploitable format-string helper: this command will set up specific breakpoints at well-known dangerous functions (printf, snprintf, etc.), and check if the pointer holding the format string is writable, and therefore susceptible to format string attacks if an attacker can control its content.

function FormatStringSearchCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property FormatStringSearchCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function FormatStringSearchCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function FormatStringSearchCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function FormatStringSearchCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(_: List[str]) → None

function FormatStringSearchCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function FormatStringSearchCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function FormatStringSearchCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function FormatStringSearchCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function FormatStringSearchCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function FormatStringSearchCommand.usage

usage() → None

class GdbRemoveReadlineFinder

function GdbRemoveReadlineFinder.find_module

find_module(fullname, path=None)

function GdbRemoveReadlineFinder.load_module


class Gef

The GEF root class, which serves as a entrypoint for all the debugging session attributes (architecture, memory, settings, etc.).

function Gef.__init__

__init__() → None

function Gef.reinitialize_managers

reinitialize_managers() → None

Reinitialize the managers. Avoid calling this function directly, using pi reset() is preferred

function Gef.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

Recursively clean the cache of all the managers. Avoid calling this function directly, using reset-cache is preferred

function Gef.setup

setup() → None

Setup initialize the runtime setup, which may require for the gef to be not None.

class GefAlias

Simple aliasing wrapper because GDB doesn't do what it should.

function GefAlias.__init__

    alias: str,
    command: str,
    completer_class: int = 0,
    command_class: int = -1
) → None

function GefAlias.invoke

invoke(args: Any, from_tty: bool) → None

function GefAlias.lookup_command

lookup_command(cmd: str) → Optional[Tuple[str, __main__.GenericCommand]]

class GefCommand

GEF main command: view all new commands by typing gef.

function GefCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property GefCommand.loaded_command_names

property GefCommand.loaded_commands

loaded_commands is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future.

property GefCommand.loaded_functions

loaded_functions is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future.

property GefCommand.missing_commands

missing_commands is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future.

function GefCommand.add_context_layout_mapping

    current_pane_name: str,
    display_pane_function: Callable,
    pane_title_function: Callable,
    condition: Optional[Callable]
) → None

Add a new context layout mapping.

function GefCommand.add_context_pane

    pane_name: str,
    display_pane_function: Callable,
    pane_title_function: Callable,
    condition: Optional[Callable]
) → None

Add a new context pane to ContextCommand.

function GefCommand.invoke

invoke(args: Any, from_tty: bool) → None

function GefCommand.load

load() → None

Load all the commands and functions defined by GEF into GDB.

function GefCommand.load_extra_plugins

load_extra_plugins(extra_plugins_dir: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None) → int

Load the plugins from the gef-extras setting. Returns the number of new plugins added.

function GefCommand.setup

setup() → None

function GefCommand.show_banner

show_banner() → None

class GefConfigCommand

GEF configuration sub-command This command will help set/view GEF settings for the current debugging session. It is possible to make those changes permanent by running gef save (refer to this command help), and/or restore previously saved settings by running gef restore (refer help).

function GefConfigCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

function GefConfigCommand.complete

complete(text: str, word: str) → List[str]

function GefConfigCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function GefConfigCommand.print_setting

print_setting(plugin_name: str, verbose: bool = False) → None

function GefConfigCommand.print_settings

print_settings() → None

function GefConfigCommand.set_setting

set_setting(argv: List[str]) → bool

class GefFunctionsCommand

List the convenience functions provided by GEF.

function GefFunctionsCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property GefFunctionsCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function GefFunctionsCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function GefFunctionsCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function GefFunctionsCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv) → None

function GefFunctionsCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function GefFunctionsCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function GefFunctionsCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function GefFunctionsCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function GefFunctionsCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function GefFunctionsCommand.usage

usage() → None

class GefHeapManager

Class managing session heap.

function GefHeapManager.__init__

__init__() → None

property GefHeapManager.arenas

property GefHeapManager.base_address

property GefHeapManager.chunks

property GefHeapManager.main_arena

property GefHeapManager.malloc_alignment

property GefHeapManager.min_chunk_size

property GefHeapManager.selected_arena

handler GefHeapManager.find_main_arena_addr

function GefHeapManager.csize2tidx

csize2tidx(size: int) → int

function GefHeapManager.malloc_align_address

malloc_align_address(address: int) → int

Align addresses according to glibc's MALLOC_ALIGNMENT. See also Issue #689 on Github

function GefHeapManager.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

function GefHeapManager.tidx2size

tidx2size(idx: int) → int

class GefHelpCommand

GEF help sub-command.

function GefHelpCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

function GefHelpCommand.invoke

invoke(args: Any, from_tty: bool) → None

class GefInstallExtraScriptCommand

gef install command: installs one or more scripts from the gef-extras script repo. Note that the command doesn't check for external dependencies the script(s) might require.

function GefInstallExtraScriptCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

function GefInstallExtraScriptCommand.invoke

invoke(argv: str, from_tty: bool) → None

class GefLibcManager

Class managing everything libc-related (except heap).

function GefLibcManager.__init__

__init__() → None

property GefLibcManager.version

handler GefLibcManager.find_libc_version

function GefLibcManager.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

Reset the LRU-cached attributes

class GefManager

function GefManager.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

Reset the LRU-cached attributes

class GefMemoryManager

Class that manages memory access for gef.

function GefMemoryManager.__init__

__init__() → None

property GefMemoryManager.maps

function GefMemoryManager.append

append(section: __main__.Section)

function GefMemoryManager.parse_gdb_info_proc_maps

parse_gdb_info_proc_maps() → Generator[__main__.Section, NoneType, NoneType]

Get the memory mapping from GDB's command maintenance info sections (limited info).

function GefMemoryManager.parse_info_mem


Get the memory mapping from GDB's command info mem. This can be provided by certain gdbserver implementations.

function GefMemoryManager.parse_monitor_info_mem

parse_monitor_info_mem() → Generator[__main__.Section, NoneType, NoneType]

Get the memory mapping from GDB's command monitor info mem This can raise an exception, which the memory manager takes to mean that this method does not work to get a map.

function GefMemoryManager.parse_procfs_maps

parse_procfs_maps() → Generator[__main__.Section, NoneType, NoneType]

Get the memory mapping from procfs.


read(addr: int, length: int = 16) → bytes

Return a length long byte array with the copy of the process memory at addr.

function GefMemoryManager.read_ascii_string

read_ascii_string(address: int) → Optional[str]

Read an ASCII string from memory

function GefMemoryManager.read_cstring

    address: int,
    max_length: int = 50,
    encoding: Optional[str] = None
) → str

Return a C-string read from memory.

function GefMemoryManager.read_integer

read_integer(addr: int) → int

Return an integer read from memory.

function GefMemoryManager.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

function GefMemoryManager.write

write(address: int, buffer: ByteString, length: Optional[int] = None) → None

Write buffer at address address.

class GefMissingCommand

GEF missing sub-command Display the GEF commands that could not be loaded, along with the reason of why they could not be loaded.

function GefMissingCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

function GefMissingCommand.invoke

invoke(args: Any, from_tty: bool) → None

class GefRemoteSessionManager

Class for managing remote sessions with GEF. It will create a temporary environment designed to clone the remote one.

function GefRemoteSessionManager.__init__

    host: str,
    port: int,
    pid: int = -1,
    qemu: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None
) → None

property GefRemoteSessionManager.auxiliary_vector

property GefRemoteSessionManager.canary

Return a tuple of the canary address and value, read from the canonical location if supported by the architecture. Otherwise, read from the auxiliary vector.

property GefRemoteSessionManager.cwd

property GefRemoteSessionManager.file

Path to the file being debugged as seen by the remote endpoint.

property GefRemoteSessionManager.lfile

Local path to the file being debugged.

property GefRemoteSessionManager.maps

property GefRemoteSessionManager.mode

property GefRemoteSessionManager.original_canary

Return a tuple of the initial canary address and value, read from the auxiliary vector.

property GefRemoteSessionManager.os

Return the current OS.

property GefRemoteSessionManager.pagesize

Get the system page size


Return the PID of the target process.

property GefRemoteSessionManager.root


function GefRemoteSessionManager.close

close() → None

function GefRemoteSessionManager.connect

connect(pid: int) → bool

Connect to remote target. If in extended mode, also attach to the given PID.

function GefRemoteSessionManager.remote_objfile_event_handler

remote_objfile_event_handler(evt: '') → None

function GefRemoteSessionManager.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

function GefRemoteSessionManager.setup

setup() → bool

function GefRemoteSessionManager.sync

sync(src: str, dst: Optional[str] = None) → bool

Copy the src into the temporary chroot. If dst is provided, that path will be used instead of src.

class GefRestoreCommand

GEF restore sub-command. Loads settings from file '~/.gef.rc' and apply them to the configuration of GEF.

function GefRestoreCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

function GefRestoreCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function GefRestoreCommand.reload

reload(quiet: bool)

class GefRunCommand

Override GDB run commands with the context from GEF. Simple wrapper for GDB run command to use arguments set from gef set args.

function GefRunCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

function GefRunCommand.invoke

invoke(args: Any, from_tty: bool) → None

class GefSaveCommand

GEF save sub-command. Saves the current configuration of GEF to disk (by default in file '~/.gef.rc').

function GefSaveCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

function GefSaveCommand.invoke

invoke(args: Any, from_tty: bool) → None

class GefSessionManager

Class managing the runtime properties of GEF.

function GefSessionManager.__init__

__init__() → None

property GefSessionManager.auxiliary_vector

property GefSessionManager.canary

Return a tuple of the canary address and value, read from the canonical location if supported by the architecture. Otherwise, read from the auxiliary vector.

property GefSessionManager.cwd

property GefSessionManager.file

Return a Path object of the target process.

property GefSessionManager.maps

Returns the Path to the procfs entry for the memory mapping.

property GefSessionManager.original_canary

Return a tuple of the initial canary address and value, read from the auxiliary vector.

property GefSessionManager.os

Return the current OS.

property GefSessionManager.pagesize

Get the system page size


Return the PID of the target process.

property GefSessionManager.root

Returns the path to the process's root directory.

function GefSessionManager.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

class GefSetCommand

Override GDB set commands with the context from GEF.

function GefSetCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

function GefSetCommand.invoke

invoke(args: Any, from_tty: bool) → None

class GefSetting

Basic class for storing gef settings as objects

function GefSetting.__init__

    value: Any,
    cls: Optional[type] = None,
    description: Optional[str] = None,
    hooks: Optional[Dict[str, List[Callable]]] = None
) → None

function GefSetting.add_hook

add_hook(access: str, funcs: List[Callable])

function GefSetting.create_folder_tree

create_folder_tree(value: pathlib.Path)

function GefSetting.must_exist

must_exist(value: pathlib.Path)

function GefSetting.no_spaces

no_spaces(value: pathlib.Path)

class GefSettingsManager

GefSettings acts as a dict where the global settings are stored and can be read, written or deleted as any other dict. For instance, to read a specific command setting: gef.config[mycommand.mysetting]

function GefSettingsManager.raw_entry

raw_entry(name: str) → GefSetting

class GefThemeCommand

Customize GEF appearance.

function GefThemeCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property GefThemeCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function GefThemeCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function GefThemeCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function GefThemeCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(args: List[str]) → None

function GefThemeCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function GefThemeCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function GefThemeCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function GefThemeCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function GefThemeCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function GefThemeCommand.usage

usage() → None

class GefTmuxSetup

Setup a comfortable tmux debugging environment.

function GefTmuxSetup.__init__

__init__() → None

function GefTmuxSetup.invoke

invoke(args: Any, from_tty: bool) → None

function GefTmuxSetup.screen_setup

screen_setup() → None

Hackish equivalent of the tmux_setup() function for screen.

function GefTmuxSetup.tmux_setup

tmux_setup() → None

Prepare the tmux environment by vertically splitting the current pane, and forcing the context to be redirected there.

class GefUiManager

Class managing UI settings.

function GefUiManager.__init__

__init__() → None

function GefUiManager.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

Reset the LRU-cached attributes

class GenericArchitecture

property GenericArchitecture.endianness

property GenericArchitecture.fp

property GenericArchitecture.pc

property GenericArchitecture.ptrsize

property GenericArchitecture.registers

property GenericArchitecture.sp

function GenericArchitecture.canary_address

canary_address() → int

function GenericArchitecture.flag_register_to_human

flag_register_to_human(val: Optional[int] = None) → str

function GenericArchitecture.get_ith_parameter

get_ith_parameter(i: int, in_func: bool = True) → Tuple[str, Optional[int]]

Retrieves the correct parameter used for the current function call.

function GenericArchitecture.get_ra

get_ra(insn: __main__.Instruction, frame: 'gdb.Frame') → Optional[int]

function GenericArchitecture.is_branch_taken

is_branch_taken(insn: __main__.Instruction) → Tuple[bool, str]

function GenericArchitecture.is_call

is_call(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function GenericArchitecture.is_conditional_branch

is_conditional_branch(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function GenericArchitecture.is_ret

is_ret(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function GenericArchitecture.mprotect_asm

mprotect_asm(addr: int, size: int, perm: __main__.Permission) → str

function GenericArchitecture.register

register(name: str) → int

function GenericArchitecture.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

function GenericArchitecture.supports_gdb_arch

supports_gdb_arch(gdb_arch: str) → Optional[bool]

If implemented by a child Architecture, this function dictates if the current class supports the loaded ELF file (which can be accessed via gef.binary). This callback function will override any assumption made by GEF to determine the architecture.

class GenericCommand

This is an abstract class for invoking commands, should not be instantiated.

function GenericCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property GenericCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function GenericCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function GenericCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function GenericCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function GenericCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function GenericCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function GenericCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function GenericCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function GenericCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function GenericCommand.usage

usage() → None

class GenericFunction

This is an abstract class for invoking convenience functions, should not be instantiated.

function GenericFunction.__init__

__init__() → None

function GenericFunction.arg_to_long

arg_to_long(args: List, index: int, default: int = 0) → int

function GenericFunction.do_invoke

do_invoke(args: Any) → int

function GenericFunction.invoke

invoke(*args: Any) → int

class GlibcArena

Glibc arena class

function GlibcArena.__init__

__init__(addr: str) → None

property GlibcArena.addr

property GlibcArena.address

property GlibcArena.attached_threads

property GlibcArena.binmap

property GlibcArena.bins

property GlibcArena.fastbinsY

property GlibcArena.last_remainder

property GlibcArena.max_system_mem


property GlibcArena.next_free

property GlibcArena.sizeof

property GlibcArena.system_mem


function GlibcArena.bin

bin(i: int) → Tuple[int, int]

function GlibcArena.bin_at

bin_at(i) → int

function GlibcArena.fastbin

fastbin(i: int) → Optional[ForwardRef('GlibcFastChunk')]

Return head chunk in fastbinsY[i].

function GlibcArena.get_heap_for_ptr

get_heap_for_ptr(ptr: int) → int

Find the corresponding heap for a given pointer (int). See

function GlibcArena.get_heap_info_list

get_heap_info_list() → Optional[List[__main__.GlibcHeapInfo]]

function GlibcArena.heap_addr

heap_addr(allow_unaligned: bool = False) → Optional[int]

function GlibcArena.is_main_arena

is_main_arena() → bool

function GlibcArena.malloc_state_t

malloc_state_t() → Type[_ctypes.Structure]

function GlibcArena.reset


function GlibcArena.verify

verify(addr: int) → bool

Verify that the address matches a possible valid GlibcArena

class GlibcChunk

Glibc chunk class. The default behavior (from_base=False) is to interpret the data starting at the memory address pointed to as the chunk data. Setting from_base to True instead treats that data as the chunk header. Ref:

function GlibcChunk.__init__

    addr: int,
    from_base: bool = False,
    allow_unaligned: bool = True
) → None

property GlibcChunk.bk

property GlibcChunk.bk_nextsize

property GlibcChunk.fd

property GlibcChunk.fd_nextsize

property GlibcChunk.flags

property GlibcChunk.prev_size

property GlibcChunk.size

property GlibcChunk.usable_size

function GlibcChunk.get_next_chunk

get_next_chunk(allow_unaligned: bool = False) → GlibcChunk

function GlibcChunk.get_next_chunk_addr

get_next_chunk_addr() → int

function GlibcChunk.get_prev_chunk_size

get_prev_chunk_size() → int

function GlibcChunk.get_usable_size

get_usable_size() → int

function GlibcChunk.has_m_bit

has_m_bit() → bool

function GlibcChunk.has_n_bit

has_n_bit() → bool

function GlibcChunk.has_p_bit

has_p_bit() → bool

function GlibcChunk.is_used

is_used() → bool

Check if the current block is used by: - checking the M bit is true - or checking that next chunk PREV_INUSE flag is true

function GlibcChunk.malloc_chunk_t

malloc_chunk_t() → Type[_ctypes.Structure]

function GlibcChunk.psprint

psprint() → str

function GlibcChunk.reset


function GlibcChunk.resolve_type

resolve_type() → str

class GlibcFastChunk

function GlibcFastChunk.__init__

    addr: int,
    from_base: bool = False,
    allow_unaligned: bool = True
) → None

property GlibcFastChunk.bk

property GlibcFastChunk.bk_nextsize

property GlibcFastChunk.fd

property GlibcFastChunk.fd_nextsize

property GlibcFastChunk.flags

property GlibcFastChunk.prev_size

property GlibcFastChunk.size

property GlibcFastChunk.usable_size

function GlibcFastChunk.get_next_chunk

get_next_chunk(allow_unaligned: bool = False) → GlibcChunk

function GlibcFastChunk.get_next_chunk_addr

get_next_chunk_addr() → int

function GlibcFastChunk.get_prev_chunk_size

get_prev_chunk_size() → int

function GlibcFastChunk.get_usable_size

get_usable_size() → int

function GlibcFastChunk.has_m_bit

has_m_bit() → bool

function GlibcFastChunk.has_n_bit

has_n_bit() → bool

function GlibcFastChunk.has_p_bit

has_p_bit() → bool

function GlibcFastChunk.is_used

is_used() → bool

Check if the current block is used by: - checking the M bit is true - or checking that next chunk PREV_INUSE flag is true

function GlibcFastChunk.malloc_chunk_t

malloc_chunk_t() → Type[_ctypes.Structure]

function GlibcFastChunk.protect_ptr

protect_ptr(pos: int, pointer: int) → int

function GlibcFastChunk.psprint

psprint() → str

function GlibcFastChunk.reset


function GlibcFastChunk.resolve_type

resolve_type() → str

function GlibcFastChunk.reveal_ptr

reveal_ptr(pointer: int) → int

class GlibcHeapArenaCommand

Display information on a heap chunk.

function GlibcHeapArenaCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property GlibcHeapArenaCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function GlibcHeapArenaCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function GlibcHeapArenaCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapArenaCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(_: List[str]) → None

function GlibcHeapArenaCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapArenaCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function GlibcHeapArenaCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function GlibcHeapArenaCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function GlibcHeapArenaCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function GlibcHeapArenaCommand.usage

usage() → None

class GlibcHeapArenaSummary

function GlibcHeapArenaSummary.__init__

__init__(resolve_type=False) → None

function GlibcHeapArenaSummary.print

print() → None

function GlibcHeapArenaSummary.process_chunk

process_chunk(chunk: __main__.GlibcChunk) → None

class GlibcHeapBinsCommand

Display information on the bins on an arena (default: main_arena). See

function GlibcHeapBinsCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property GlibcHeapBinsCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function GlibcHeapBinsCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function GlibcHeapBinsCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapBinsCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function GlibcHeapBinsCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapBinsCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function GlibcHeapBinsCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function GlibcHeapBinsCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function GlibcHeapBinsCommand.pprint_bin

pprint_bin(arena_addr: str, index: int, _type: str = '') → int

function GlibcHeapBinsCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function GlibcHeapBinsCommand.usage

usage() → None

class GlibcHeapChunkCommand

Display information on a heap chunk. See

function GlibcHeapChunkCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property GlibcHeapChunkCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function GlibcHeapChunkCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function GlibcHeapChunkCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapChunkCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function GlibcHeapChunkCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapChunkCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function GlibcHeapChunkCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function GlibcHeapChunkCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function GlibcHeapChunkCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function GlibcHeapChunkCommand.usage

usage() → None

class GlibcHeapChunkSummary

function GlibcHeapChunkSummary.__init__


function GlibcHeapChunkSummary.process_chunk

process_chunk(chunk: __main__.GlibcChunk) → None

class GlibcHeapChunksCommand

Display all heap chunks for the current arena. As an optional argument the base address of a different arena can be passed

function GlibcHeapChunksCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property GlibcHeapChunksCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function GlibcHeapChunksCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function GlibcHeapChunksCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapChunksCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function GlibcHeapChunksCommand.dump_chunks_arena

    arena: __main__.GlibcArena,
    ctx: __main__.GlibcHeapWalkContext
) → None

function GlibcHeapChunksCommand.dump_chunks_heap

    start: int,
    end: int,
    arena: __main__.GlibcArena,
    ctx: __main__.GlibcHeapWalkContext
) → bool

function GlibcHeapChunksCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapChunksCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function GlibcHeapChunksCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function GlibcHeapChunksCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function GlibcHeapChunksCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function GlibcHeapChunksCommand.should_process_chunk

    chunk: __main__.GlibcChunk,
    ctx: __main__.GlibcHeapWalkContext
) → bool

function GlibcHeapChunksCommand.usage

usage() → None

class GlibcHeapCommand

Base command to get information about the Glibc heap structure.

function GlibcHeapCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property GlibcHeapCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function GlibcHeapCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function GlibcHeapCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(_: List[str]) → None

function GlibcHeapCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function GlibcHeapCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function GlibcHeapCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function GlibcHeapCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function GlibcHeapCommand.usage

usage() → None

class GlibcHeapFastbinsYCommand

Display information on the fastbinsY on an arena (default: main_arena). See

function GlibcHeapFastbinsYCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property GlibcHeapFastbinsYCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function GlibcHeapFastbinsYCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function GlibcHeapFastbinsYCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapFastbinsYCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function GlibcHeapFastbinsYCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapFastbinsYCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function GlibcHeapFastbinsYCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function GlibcHeapFastbinsYCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function GlibcHeapFastbinsYCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function GlibcHeapFastbinsYCommand.usage

usage() → None

class GlibcHeapInfo

Glibc heap_info struct

function GlibcHeapInfo.__init__

__init__(addr: Union[str, int]) → None

property GlibcHeapInfo.addr

property GlibcHeapInfo.address

property GlibcHeapInfo.heap_end

property GlibcHeapInfo.heap_start

property GlibcHeapInfo.sizeof

function GlibcHeapInfo.heap_info_t

heap_info_t() → Type[_ctypes.Structure]

function GlibcHeapInfo.reset


class GlibcHeapLargeBinsCommand

Convenience command for viewing large bins.

function GlibcHeapLargeBinsCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property GlibcHeapLargeBinsCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function GlibcHeapLargeBinsCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function GlibcHeapLargeBinsCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapLargeBinsCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function GlibcHeapLargeBinsCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapLargeBinsCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function GlibcHeapLargeBinsCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function GlibcHeapLargeBinsCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function GlibcHeapLargeBinsCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function GlibcHeapLargeBinsCommand.usage

usage() → None

class GlibcHeapSetArenaCommand

Set the address of the main_arena or the currently selected arena.

function GlibcHeapSetArenaCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property GlibcHeapSetArenaCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function GlibcHeapSetArenaCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function GlibcHeapSetArenaCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapSetArenaCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function GlibcHeapSetArenaCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapSetArenaCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function GlibcHeapSetArenaCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function GlibcHeapSetArenaCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function GlibcHeapSetArenaCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function GlibcHeapSetArenaCommand.usage

usage() → None

class GlibcHeapSmallBinsCommand

Convenience command for viewing small bins.

function GlibcHeapSmallBinsCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property GlibcHeapSmallBinsCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function GlibcHeapSmallBinsCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function GlibcHeapSmallBinsCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapSmallBinsCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function GlibcHeapSmallBinsCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapSmallBinsCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function GlibcHeapSmallBinsCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function GlibcHeapSmallBinsCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function GlibcHeapSmallBinsCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function GlibcHeapSmallBinsCommand.usage

usage() → None

class GlibcHeapTcachebinsCommand

Display information on the Tcachebins on an arena (default: main_arena). See;a=commitdiff;h=d5c3fafc4307c9b7a4c7d5cb381fcdbfad340bcc.

function GlibcHeapTcachebinsCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property GlibcHeapTcachebinsCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function GlibcHeapTcachebinsCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function GlibcHeapTcachebinsCommand.check_thread_ids

check_thread_ids(tids: List[int]) → List[int]

Return the subset of tids that are currently valid.

function GlibcHeapTcachebinsCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapTcachebinsCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function GlibcHeapTcachebinsCommand.find_tcache

find_tcache() → int

Return the location of the current thread's tcache.

function GlibcHeapTcachebinsCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapTcachebinsCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function GlibcHeapTcachebinsCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function GlibcHeapTcachebinsCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function GlibcHeapTcachebinsCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function GlibcHeapTcachebinsCommand.tcachebin

    tcache_base: int,
    i: int
) → Tuple[Optional[__main__.GlibcTcacheChunk], int]

Return the head chunk in tcache[i] and the number of chunks in the bin.

function GlibcHeapTcachebinsCommand.usage

usage() → None

class GlibcHeapUnsortedBinsCommand

Display information on the Unsorted Bins of an arena (default: main_arena). See:

function GlibcHeapUnsortedBinsCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property GlibcHeapUnsortedBinsCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function GlibcHeapUnsortedBinsCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function GlibcHeapUnsortedBinsCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapUnsortedBinsCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function GlibcHeapUnsortedBinsCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function GlibcHeapUnsortedBinsCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function GlibcHeapUnsortedBinsCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function GlibcHeapUnsortedBinsCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function GlibcHeapUnsortedBinsCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function GlibcHeapUnsortedBinsCommand.usage

usage() → None

class GlibcHeapWalkContext

function GlibcHeapWalkContext.__init__

    print_arena: bool = False,
    allow_unaligned: bool = False,
    min_size: int = 0,
    max_size: int = 0,
    count: int = -1,
    resolve_type: bool = False,
    summary: bool = False
) → None

class GlibcTcacheChunk

function GlibcTcacheChunk.__init__

    addr: int,
    from_base: bool = False,
    allow_unaligned: bool = True
) → None

property GlibcTcacheChunk.bk

property GlibcTcacheChunk.bk_nextsize

property GlibcTcacheChunk.fd

property GlibcTcacheChunk.fd_nextsize

property GlibcTcacheChunk.flags

property GlibcTcacheChunk.prev_size

property GlibcTcacheChunk.size

property GlibcTcacheChunk.usable_size

function GlibcTcacheChunk.get_next_chunk

get_next_chunk(allow_unaligned: bool = False) → GlibcChunk

function GlibcTcacheChunk.get_next_chunk_addr

get_next_chunk_addr() → int

function GlibcTcacheChunk.get_prev_chunk_size

get_prev_chunk_size() → int

function GlibcTcacheChunk.get_usable_size

get_usable_size() → int

function GlibcTcacheChunk.has_m_bit

has_m_bit() → bool

function GlibcTcacheChunk.has_n_bit

has_n_bit() → bool

function GlibcTcacheChunk.has_p_bit

has_p_bit() → bool

function GlibcTcacheChunk.is_used

is_used() → bool

Check if the current block is used by: - checking the M bit is true - or checking that next chunk PREV_INUSE flag is true

function GlibcTcacheChunk.malloc_chunk_t

malloc_chunk_t() → Type[_ctypes.Structure]

function GlibcTcacheChunk.protect_ptr

protect_ptr(pos: int, pointer: int) → int

function GlibcTcacheChunk.psprint

psprint() → str

function GlibcTcacheChunk.reset


function GlibcTcacheChunk.resolve_type

resolve_type() → str

function GlibcTcacheChunk.reveal_ptr

reveal_ptr(pointer: int) → int

class GotBaseFunction

Return the current GOT base address plus the given offset.

function GotBaseFunction.__init__

__init__() → None

function GotBaseFunction.arg_to_long

arg_to_long(args: List, index: int, default: int = 0) → int

function GotBaseFunction.do_invoke

do_invoke(args: List) → int

function GotBaseFunction.invoke

invoke(*args: Any) → int

class GotCommand

Display current status of the got inside the process.

function GotCommand.__init__


property GotCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function GotCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function GotCommand.build_line

build_line(name: str, color: str, address_val: int, got_address: int) → str

function GotCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function GotCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function GotCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function GotCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function GotCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function GotCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function GotCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function GotCommand.print_got_for

print_got_for(file: str, argv: List[str]) → None

function GotCommand.usage

usage() → None

class HeapAnalysisCommand

Heap vulnerability analysis helper: this command aims to track dynamic heap allocation done through malloc()/free() to provide some insights on possible heap vulnerabilities. The following vulnerabilities are checked: - NULL free - Use-after-Free - Double Free - Heap overlap

function HeapAnalysisCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property HeapAnalysisCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function HeapAnalysisCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function HeapAnalysisCommand.clean

clean(_: '') → None

function HeapAnalysisCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function HeapAnalysisCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function HeapAnalysisCommand.dump_tracked_allocations

dump_tracked_allocations() → None

function HeapAnalysisCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function HeapAnalysisCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function HeapAnalysisCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function HeapAnalysisCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function HeapAnalysisCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function HeapAnalysisCommand.setup

setup() → None

function HeapAnalysisCommand.usage

usage() → None

class HeapBaseFunction

Return the current heap base address plus an optional offset.

function HeapBaseFunction.__init__

__init__() → None

function HeapBaseFunction.arg_to_long

arg_to_long(args: List, index: int, default: int = 0) → int

function HeapBaseFunction.do_invoke

do_invoke(args: List) → int

function HeapBaseFunction.invoke

invoke(*args: Any) → int

class HexdumpByteCommand

Display SIZE lines of hexdump as BYTE from the memory location pointed by ADDRESS.

function HexdumpByteCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property HexdumpByteCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function HexdumpByteCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function HexdumpByteCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function HexdumpByteCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function HexdumpByteCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function HexdumpByteCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function HexdumpByteCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function HexdumpByteCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function HexdumpByteCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function HexdumpByteCommand.usage

usage() → None

class HexdumpCommand

Display SIZE lines of hexdump from the memory location pointed by LOCATION.

function HexdumpCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property HexdumpCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function HexdumpCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function HexdumpCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function HexdumpCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function HexdumpCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function HexdumpCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function HexdumpCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function HexdumpCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function HexdumpCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function HexdumpCommand.usage

usage() → None

class HexdumpDwordCommand

Display SIZE lines of hexdump as DWORD from the memory location pointed by ADDRESS.

function HexdumpDwordCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property HexdumpDwordCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function HexdumpDwordCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function HexdumpDwordCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function HexdumpDwordCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function HexdumpDwordCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function HexdumpDwordCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function HexdumpDwordCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function HexdumpDwordCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function HexdumpDwordCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function HexdumpDwordCommand.usage

usage() → None

class HexdumpQwordCommand

Display SIZE lines of hexdump as QWORD from the memory location pointed by ADDRESS.

function HexdumpQwordCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property HexdumpQwordCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function HexdumpQwordCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function HexdumpQwordCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function HexdumpQwordCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function HexdumpQwordCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function HexdumpQwordCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function HexdumpQwordCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function HexdumpQwordCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function HexdumpQwordCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function HexdumpQwordCommand.usage

usage() → None

class HexdumpWordCommand

Display SIZE lines of hexdump as WORD from the memory location pointed by ADDRESS.

function HexdumpWordCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property HexdumpWordCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function HexdumpWordCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function HexdumpWordCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function HexdumpWordCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function HexdumpWordCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function HexdumpWordCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function HexdumpWordCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function HexdumpWordCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function HexdumpWordCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function HexdumpWordCommand.usage

usage() → None

class HighlightAddCommand

Add a match to the highlight table.

function HighlightAddCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property HighlightAddCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function HighlightAddCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function HighlightAddCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function HighlightAddCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function HighlightAddCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function HighlightAddCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function HighlightAddCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function HighlightAddCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function HighlightAddCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function HighlightAddCommand.usage

usage() → None

class HighlightClearCommand

Clear the highlight table, remove all matches.

function HighlightClearCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property HighlightClearCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function HighlightClearCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function HighlightClearCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function HighlightClearCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(_: List[str]) → None

function HighlightClearCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function HighlightClearCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function HighlightClearCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function HighlightClearCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function HighlightClearCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function HighlightClearCommand.usage

usage() → None

class HighlightCommand

Highlight user-defined text matches in GEF output universally.

function HighlightCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property HighlightCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function HighlightCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function HighlightCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function HighlightCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(_: List[str]) → None

function HighlightCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function HighlightCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function HighlightCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function HighlightCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function HighlightCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function HighlightCommand.usage

usage() → None

class HighlightListCommand

Show the current highlight table with matches to colors.

function HighlightListCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property HighlightListCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function HighlightListCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function HighlightListCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function HighlightListCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(_: List[str]) → None

function HighlightListCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function HighlightListCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function HighlightListCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function HighlightListCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function HighlightListCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function HighlightListCommand.print_highlight_table

print_highlight_table() → None

function HighlightListCommand.usage

usage() → None

class HighlightRemoveCommand

Remove a match in the highlight table.

function HighlightRemoveCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property HighlightRemoveCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function HighlightRemoveCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function HighlightRemoveCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function HighlightRemoveCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function HighlightRemoveCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function HighlightRemoveCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function HighlightRemoveCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function HighlightRemoveCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function HighlightRemoveCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function HighlightRemoveCommand.usage

usage() → None

class Instruction

GEF representation of a CPU instruction.

function Instruction.__init__

    address: int,
    location: str,
    mnemo: str,
    operands: List[str],
    opcodes: bytes
) → None

function Instruction.is_valid

is_valid() → bool


next() → Instruction

function Instruction.size

size() → int

class JustSilentStopBreakpoint

When hit, this temporary breakpoint stop the execution.

function JustSilentStopBreakpoint.__init__

__init__(loc: str) → None

class MIPS

property MIPS.endianness

property MIPS.fp

property MIPS.pc

property MIPS.ptrsize

property MIPS.registers

property MIPS.sp

function MIPS.canary_address

canary_address() → int

function MIPS.flag_register_to_human

flag_register_to_human(val: Optional[int] = None) → str

function MIPS.get_ith_parameter

get_ith_parameter(i: int, in_func: bool = True) → Tuple[str, Optional[int]]

Retrieves the correct parameter used for the current function call.

function MIPS.get_ra

get_ra(insn: __main__.Instruction, frame: 'gdb.Frame') → Optional[int]

function MIPS.is_branch_taken

is_branch_taken(insn: __main__.Instruction) → Tuple[bool, str]

function MIPS.is_call

is_call(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function MIPS.is_conditional_branch

is_conditional_branch(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function MIPS.is_ret

is_ret(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function MIPS.mprotect_asm

mprotect_asm(addr: int, size: int, perm: __main__.Permission) → str

function MIPS.register

register(name: str) → int

function MIPS.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

function MIPS.supports_gdb_arch

supports_gdb_arch(gdb_arch: str) → Optional[bool]

If implemented by a child Architecture, this function dictates if the current class supports the loaded ELF file (which can be accessed via gef.binary). This callback function will override any assumption made by GEF to determine the architecture.

class MIPS64

property MIPS64.endianness

property MIPS64.fp

property MIPS64.pc

property MIPS64.ptrsize

property MIPS64.registers

property MIPS64.sp

function MIPS64.canary_address

canary_address() → int

function MIPS64.flag_register_to_human

flag_register_to_human(val: Optional[int] = None) → str

function MIPS64.get_ith_parameter

get_ith_parameter(i: int, in_func: bool = True) → Tuple[str, Optional[int]]

Retrieves the correct parameter used for the current function call.

function MIPS64.get_ra

get_ra(insn: __main__.Instruction, frame: 'gdb.Frame') → Optional[int]

function MIPS64.is_branch_taken

is_branch_taken(insn: __main__.Instruction) → Tuple[bool, str]

function MIPS64.is_call

is_call(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function MIPS64.is_conditional_branch

is_conditional_branch(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function MIPS64.is_ret

is_ret(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function MIPS64.mprotect_asm

mprotect_asm(addr: int, size: int, perm: __main__.Permission) → str

function MIPS64.register

register(name: str) → int

function MIPS64.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

function MIPS64.supports_gdb_arch

supports_gdb_arch(gdb_arch: str) → Optional[bool]

class MemoryCommand

Add or remove address ranges to the memory view.

function MemoryCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property MemoryCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function MemoryCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function MemoryCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function MemoryCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function MemoryCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function MemoryCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function MemoryCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function MemoryCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function MemoryCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function MemoryCommand.usage

usage() → None

class MemoryUnwatchCommand

Removes address ranges to the memory view.

function MemoryUnwatchCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property MemoryUnwatchCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function MemoryUnwatchCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function MemoryUnwatchCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function MemoryUnwatchCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function MemoryUnwatchCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function MemoryUnwatchCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function MemoryUnwatchCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function MemoryUnwatchCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function MemoryUnwatchCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function MemoryUnwatchCommand.usage

usage() → None

class MemoryWatchCommand

Adds address ranges to the memory view.

function MemoryWatchCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property MemoryWatchCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function MemoryWatchCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function MemoryWatchCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function MemoryWatchCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function MemoryWatchCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function MemoryWatchCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function MemoryWatchCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function MemoryWatchCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function MemoryWatchCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function MemoryWatchCommand.usage

usage() → None

class MemoryWatchListCommand

Lists all watchpoints to display in context layout.

function MemoryWatchListCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property MemoryWatchListCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function MemoryWatchListCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function MemoryWatchListCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function MemoryWatchListCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(_: List[str]) → None

function MemoryWatchListCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function MemoryWatchListCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function MemoryWatchListCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function MemoryWatchListCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function MemoryWatchListCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function MemoryWatchListCommand.usage

usage() → None

class MemoryWatchResetCommand

Removes all watchpoints.

function MemoryWatchResetCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property MemoryWatchResetCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function MemoryWatchResetCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function MemoryWatchResetCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function MemoryWatchResetCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(_: List[str]) → None

function MemoryWatchResetCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function MemoryWatchResetCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function MemoryWatchResetCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function MemoryWatchResetCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function MemoryWatchResetCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function MemoryWatchResetCommand.usage

usage() → None

class NamedBreakpoint

Breakpoint which shows a specified name, when hit.

function NamedBreakpoint.__init__

__init__(location: str, name: str) → None

function NamedBreakpoint.stop

stop() → bool

class NamedBreakpointCommand

Sets a breakpoint and assigns a name to it, which will be shown, when it's hit.

function NamedBreakpointCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property NamedBreakpointCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function NamedBreakpointCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function NamedBreakpointCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function NamedBreakpointCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function NamedBreakpointCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function NamedBreakpointCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function NamedBreakpointCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function NamedBreakpointCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function NamedBreakpointCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function NamedBreakpointCommand.usage

usage() → None

class NopCommand

Patch the instruction(s) pointed by parameters with NOP. Note: this command is architecture aware.

function NopCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property NopCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function NopCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function NopCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function NopCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function NopCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function NopCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function NopCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function NopCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function NopCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function NopCommand.usage

usage() → None

class ObsoleteException

class PCustomCommand

Dump user defined structure. This command attempts to reproduce WinDBG awesome dt command for GDB and allows to apply structures (from symbols or custom) directly to an address. Custom structures can be defined in pure Python using ctypes, and should be stored in a specific directory, whose path must be stored in the pcustom.struct_path configuration setting.

function PCustomCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property PCustomCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PCustomCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PCustomCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PCustomCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function PCustomCommand.explode_type

explode_type(arg: str) → Tuple[str, str]

function PCustomCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PCustomCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PCustomCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PCustomCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PCustomCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PCustomCommand.usage

usage() → None

class PCustomEditCommand

PCustom: edit the content of a given structure

function PCustomEditCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property PCustomEditCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PCustomEditCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PCustomEditCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PCustomEditCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function PCustomEditCommand.explode_type

explode_type(arg: str) → Tuple[str, str]

function PCustomEditCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PCustomEditCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PCustomEditCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PCustomEditCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PCustomEditCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PCustomEditCommand.usage

usage() → None

class PCustomListCommand

PCustom: list available structures

function PCustomListCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property PCustomListCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PCustomListCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PCustomListCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PCustomListCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(_: List) → None

Dump the list of all the structures and their respective.

function PCustomListCommand.explode_type

explode_type(arg: str) → Tuple[str, str]

function PCustomListCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PCustomListCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PCustomListCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PCustomListCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PCustomListCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PCustomListCommand.usage

usage() → None

class PCustomShowCommand

PCustom: show the content of a given structure

function PCustomShowCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property PCustomShowCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PCustomShowCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PCustomShowCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PCustomShowCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function PCustomShowCommand.explode_type

explode_type(arg: str) → Tuple[str, str]

function PCustomShowCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PCustomShowCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PCustomShowCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PCustomShowCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PCustomShowCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PCustomShowCommand.usage

usage() → None

class PatchByteCommand

Write specified BYTE to the specified address.

function PatchByteCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property PatchByteCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PatchByteCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PatchByteCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PatchByteCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function PatchByteCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PatchByteCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PatchByteCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PatchByteCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PatchByteCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PatchByteCommand.usage

usage() → None

class PatchCommand

Write specified values to the specified address.

function PatchCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property PatchCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PatchCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PatchCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PatchCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function PatchCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PatchCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PatchCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PatchCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PatchCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PatchCommand.usage

usage() → None

class PatchDwordCommand

Write specified DWORD to the specified address.

function PatchDwordCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property PatchDwordCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PatchDwordCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PatchDwordCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PatchDwordCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function PatchDwordCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PatchDwordCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PatchDwordCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PatchDwordCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PatchDwordCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PatchDwordCommand.usage

usage() → None

class PatchQwordCommand

Write specified QWORD to the specified address.

function PatchQwordCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property PatchQwordCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PatchQwordCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PatchQwordCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PatchQwordCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function PatchQwordCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PatchQwordCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PatchQwordCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PatchQwordCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PatchQwordCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PatchQwordCommand.usage

usage() → None

class PatchStringCommand

Write specified string to the specified memory location pointed by ADDRESS.

function PatchStringCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property PatchStringCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PatchStringCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PatchStringCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PatchStringCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function PatchStringCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PatchStringCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PatchStringCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PatchStringCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PatchStringCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PatchStringCommand.usage

usage() → None

class PatchWordCommand

Write specified WORD to the specified address.

function PatchWordCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property PatchWordCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PatchWordCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PatchWordCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PatchWordCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function PatchWordCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PatchWordCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PatchWordCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PatchWordCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PatchWordCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PatchWordCommand.usage

usage() → None

class PatternCommand

Generate or Search a De Bruijn Sequence of unique substrings of length N and a total length of LENGTH. The default value of N is set to match the currently loaded architecture.

function PatternCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property PatternCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PatternCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PatternCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PatternCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(_: List[str]) → None

function PatternCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PatternCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PatternCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PatternCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PatternCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PatternCommand.usage

usage() → None

class PatternCreateCommand

Generate a De Bruijn Sequence of unique substrings of length N and a total length of LENGTH. The default value of N is set to match the currently loaded architecture.

function PatternCreateCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property PatternCreateCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PatternCreateCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PatternCreateCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PatternCreateCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function PatternCreateCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PatternCreateCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PatternCreateCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PatternCreateCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PatternCreateCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PatternCreateCommand.usage

usage() → None

class PatternSearchCommand

Search a De Bruijn Sequence of unique substrings of length N and a maximum total length of MAX_LENGTH. The default value of N is set to match the currently loaded architecture. The PATTERN argument can be a GDB symbol (such as a register name), a string or a hexadecimal value

function PatternSearchCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property PatternSearchCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PatternSearchCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PatternSearchCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PatternSearchCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function PatternSearchCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PatternSearchCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PatternSearchCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PatternSearchCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PatternSearchCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None


search(pattern: str, size: int, period: int) → None

function PatternSearchCommand.usage

usage() → None

class Permission

GEF representation of Linux permission.

class Phdr

function Phdr.__init__

__init__(elf: __main__.Elf, off: int) → None

class PieAttachCommand

Do attach with PIE breakpoint support.

function PieAttachCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property PieAttachCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PieAttachCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PieAttachCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PieAttachCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function PieAttachCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PieAttachCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PieAttachCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PieAttachCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PieAttachCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PieAttachCommand.usage

usage() → None

class PieBreakpointCommand

Set a PIE breakpoint at an offset from the target binaries base address.

function PieBreakpointCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property PieBreakpointCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PieBreakpointCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PieBreakpointCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PieBreakpointCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function PieBreakpointCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PieBreakpointCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PieBreakpointCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PieBreakpointCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PieBreakpointCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PieBreakpointCommand.set_pie_breakpoint

set_pie_breakpoint(set_func: Callable[[int], str], addr: int) → None

function PieBreakpointCommand.usage

usage() → None

class PieCommand

PIE breakpoint support.

function PieCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property PieCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PieCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PieCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PieCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function PieCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PieCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PieCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PieCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PieCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PieCommand.usage

usage() → None

class PieDeleteCommand

Delete a PIE breakpoint.

function PieDeleteCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property PieDeleteCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PieDeleteCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PieDeleteCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PieDeleteCommand.delete_bp

delete_bp(breakpoints: List[__main__.PieVirtualBreakpoint]) → None

function PieDeleteCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function PieDeleteCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PieDeleteCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PieDeleteCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PieDeleteCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PieDeleteCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PieDeleteCommand.usage

usage() → None

class PieInfoCommand

Display breakpoint info.

function PieInfoCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property PieInfoCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PieInfoCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PieInfoCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PieInfoCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function PieInfoCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PieInfoCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PieInfoCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PieInfoCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PieInfoCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PieInfoCommand.usage

usage() → None

class PieRemoteCommand

Attach to a remote connection with PIE breakpoint support.

function PieRemoteCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property PieRemoteCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PieRemoteCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PieRemoteCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PieRemoteCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function PieRemoteCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PieRemoteCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PieRemoteCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PieRemoteCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PieRemoteCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PieRemoteCommand.usage

usage() → None

class PieRunCommand

Run process with PIE breakpoint support.

function PieRunCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property PieRunCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PieRunCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PieRunCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PieRunCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function PieRunCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PieRunCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PieRunCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PieRunCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PieRunCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PieRunCommand.usage

usage() → None

class PieVirtualBreakpoint

PIE virtual breakpoint (not real breakpoint).

function PieVirtualBreakpoint.__init__

__init__(set_func: Callable[[int], str], vbp_num: int, addr: int) → None

function PieVirtualBreakpoint.destroy

destroy() → None

function PieVirtualBreakpoint.instantiate

instantiate(base: int) → None

class PowerPC

property PowerPC.endianness

property PowerPC.fp

property PowerPC.pc

property PowerPC.ptrsize

property PowerPC.registers

property PowerPC.sp

function PowerPC.canary_address

canary_address() → int

function PowerPC.flag_register_to_human

flag_register_to_human(val: Optional[int] = None) → str

function PowerPC.get_ith_parameter

get_ith_parameter(i: int, in_func: bool = True) → Tuple[str, Optional[int]]

Retrieves the correct parameter used for the current function call.

function PowerPC.get_ra

get_ra(insn: __main__.Instruction, frame: 'gdb.Frame') → Optional[int]

function PowerPC.is_branch_taken

is_branch_taken(insn: __main__.Instruction) → Tuple[bool, str]

function PowerPC.is_call

is_call(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function PowerPC.is_conditional_branch

is_conditional_branch(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function PowerPC.is_ret

is_ret(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function PowerPC.mprotect_asm

mprotect_asm(addr: int, size: int, perm: __main__.Permission) → str

function PowerPC.register

register(name: str) → int

function PowerPC.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

function PowerPC.supports_gdb_arch

supports_gdb_arch(gdb_arch: str) → Optional[bool]

If implemented by a child Architecture, this function dictates if the current class supports the loaded ELF file (which can be accessed via gef.binary). This callback function will override any assumption made by GEF to determine the architecture.

class PowerPC64

property PowerPC64.endianness

property PowerPC64.fp

property PowerPC64.pc

property PowerPC64.ptrsize

property PowerPC64.registers

property PowerPC64.sp

function PowerPC64.canary_address

canary_address() → int

function PowerPC64.flag_register_to_human

flag_register_to_human(val: Optional[int] = None) → str

function PowerPC64.get_ith_parameter

get_ith_parameter(i: int, in_func: bool = True) → Tuple[str, Optional[int]]

Retrieves the correct parameter used for the current function call.

function PowerPC64.get_ra

get_ra(insn: __main__.Instruction, frame: 'gdb.Frame') → Optional[int]

function PowerPC64.is_branch_taken

is_branch_taken(insn: __main__.Instruction) → Tuple[bool, str]

function PowerPC64.is_call

is_call(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function PowerPC64.is_conditional_branch

is_conditional_branch(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function PowerPC64.is_ret

is_ret(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function PowerPC64.mprotect_asm

mprotect_asm(addr: int, size: int, perm: __main__.Permission) → str

function PowerPC64.register

register(name: str) → int

function PowerPC64.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

function PowerPC64.supports_gdb_arch

supports_gdb_arch(gdb_arch: str) → Optional[bool]

If implemented by a child Architecture, this function dictates if the current class supports the loaded ELF file (which can be accessed via gef.binary). This callback function will override any assumption made by GEF to determine the architecture.

class PrintFormatCommand

Print bytes format in commonly used formats, such as literals in high level languages.

function PrintFormatCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property PrintFormatCommand.format_matrix

property PrintFormatCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function PrintFormatCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function PrintFormatCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function PrintFormatCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function PrintFormatCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function PrintFormatCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function PrintFormatCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function PrintFormatCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function PrintFormatCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function PrintFormatCommand.usage

usage() → None

class ProcessListingCommand

List and filter process. If a PATTERN is given as argument, results shown will be grepped by this pattern.

function ProcessListingCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property ProcessListingCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function ProcessListingCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function ProcessListingCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function ProcessListingCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function ProcessListingCommand.get_processes

get_processes() → Generator[Dict[str, str], NoneType, NoneType]

function ProcessListingCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function ProcessListingCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function ProcessListingCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function ProcessListingCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function ProcessListingCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function ProcessListingCommand.usage

usage() → None

class ProcessStatusCommand

Extends the info given by GDB info proc, by giving an exhaustive description of the process status (file descriptors, ancestor, descendants, etc.).

function ProcessStatusCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property ProcessStatusCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function ProcessStatusCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function ProcessStatusCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function ProcessStatusCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function ProcessStatusCommand.get_children_pids

get_children_pids(pid: int) → List[int]

function ProcessStatusCommand.get_cmdline_of

get_cmdline_of(pid: int) → str

function ProcessStatusCommand.get_process_path_of

get_process_path_of(pid: int) → str

function ProcessStatusCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function ProcessStatusCommand.get_state_of

get_state_of(pid: int) → Dict[str, str]

function ProcessStatusCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function ProcessStatusCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function ProcessStatusCommand.list_sockets

list_sockets(pid: int) → List[int]

function ProcessStatusCommand.parse_ip_port

parse_ip_port(addr: str) → Tuple[str, int]

function ProcessStatusCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function ProcessStatusCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function ProcessStatusCommand.show_ancestor

show_ancestor() → None

function ProcessStatusCommand.show_connections

show_connections() → None

function ProcessStatusCommand.show_descendants

show_descendants() → None

function ProcessStatusCommand.show_fds

show_fds() → None

function ProcessStatusCommand.show_info_proc

show_info_proc() → None

function ProcessStatusCommand.usage

usage() → None

class RISCV

property RISCV.endianness

property RISCV.fp

property RISCV.instruction_length

property RISCV.pc

property RISCV.ptrsize

property RISCV.registers

property RISCV.sp

function RISCV.canary_address

canary_address() → int

function RISCV.flag_register_to_human

flag_register_to_human(val: Optional[int] = None) → str

function RISCV.get_ith_parameter

get_ith_parameter(i: int, in_func: bool = True) → Tuple[str, Optional[int]]

Retrieves the correct parameter used for the current function call.

function RISCV.get_ra

get_ra(insn: __main__.Instruction, frame: 'gdb.Frame') → Optional[int]

function RISCV.is_branch_taken

is_branch_taken(insn: __main__.Instruction) → Tuple[bool, str]

function RISCV.is_call

is_call(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function RISCV.is_conditional_branch

is_conditional_branch(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function RISCV.is_ret

is_ret(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function RISCV.mprotect_asm

mprotect_asm(addr: int, size: int, perm: __main__.Permission) → str

function RISCV.register

register(name: str) → int

function RISCV.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

function RISCV.supports_gdb_arch

supports_gdb_arch(gdb_arch: str) → Optional[bool]

If implemented by a child Architecture, this function dictates if the current class supports the loaded ELF file (which can be accessed via gef.binary). This callback function will override any assumption made by GEF to determine the architecture.

class RedirectOutputContext

function RedirectOutputContext.__init__

__init__(to_file: str = '/dev/null') → None

class RemoteCommand

GDB target remote command on steroids. This command will use the remote procfs to create a local copy of the execution environment, including the target binary and its libraries in the local temporary directory (the value by default is in gef.config.tempdir). Additionally, it will fetch all the /proc/PID/maps and loads all its information. If procfs is not available remotely, the command will likely fail. You can however still use the limited command provided by GDB target remote.

function RemoteCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property RemoteCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function RemoteCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function RemoteCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function RemoteCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function RemoteCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function RemoteCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function RemoteCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function RemoteCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function RemoteCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function RemoteCommand.usage

usage() → None

class ResetCacheCommand

Reset cache of all stored data. This command is here for debugging and test purposes, GEF handles properly the cache reset under "normal" scenario.

function ResetCacheCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property ResetCacheCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function ResetCacheCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function ResetCacheCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function ResetCacheCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(_: List[str]) → None

function ResetCacheCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function ResetCacheCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function ResetCacheCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function ResetCacheCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function ResetCacheCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function ResetCacheCommand.usage

usage() → None

class SPARC

Refs: -

property SPARC.endianness

property SPARC.fp

property SPARC.pc

property SPARC.ptrsize

property SPARC.registers

property SPARC.sp

function SPARC.canary_address

canary_address() → int

function SPARC.flag_register_to_human

flag_register_to_human(val: Optional[int] = None) → str

function SPARC.get_ith_parameter

get_ith_parameter(i: int, in_func: bool = True) → Tuple[str, Optional[int]]

Retrieves the correct parameter used for the current function call.

function SPARC.get_ra

get_ra(insn: __main__.Instruction, frame: 'gdb.Frame') → Optional[int]

function SPARC.is_branch_taken

is_branch_taken(insn: __main__.Instruction) → Tuple[bool, str]

function SPARC.is_call

is_call(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function SPARC.is_conditional_branch

is_conditional_branch(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function SPARC.is_ret

is_ret(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function SPARC.mprotect_asm

mprotect_asm(addr: int, size: int, perm: __main__.Permission) → str

function SPARC.register

register(name: str) → int

function SPARC.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

function SPARC.supports_gdb_arch

supports_gdb_arch(gdb_arch: str) → Optional[bool]

If implemented by a child Architecture, this function dictates if the current class supports the loaded ELF file (which can be accessed via gef.binary). This callback function will override any assumption made by GEF to determine the architecture.

class SPARC64

Refs: - -

property SPARC64.endianness

property SPARC64.fp

property SPARC64.pc

property SPARC64.ptrsize

property SPARC64.registers

property SPARC64.sp

function SPARC64.canary_address

canary_address() → int

function SPARC64.flag_register_to_human

flag_register_to_human(val: Optional[int] = None) → str

function SPARC64.get_ith_parameter

get_ith_parameter(i: int, in_func: bool = True) → Tuple[str, Optional[int]]

Retrieves the correct parameter used for the current function call.

function SPARC64.get_ra

get_ra(insn: __main__.Instruction, frame: 'gdb.Frame') → Optional[int]

function SPARC64.is_branch_taken

is_branch_taken(insn: __main__.Instruction) → Tuple[bool, str]

function SPARC64.is_call

is_call(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function SPARC64.is_conditional_branch

is_conditional_branch(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function SPARC64.is_ret

is_ret(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function SPARC64.mprotect_asm

mprotect_asm(addr: int, size: int, perm: __main__.Permission) → str

function SPARC64.register

register(name: str) → int

function SPARC64.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

function SPARC64.supports_gdb_arch

supports_gdb_arch(gdb_arch: str) → Optional[bool]

If implemented by a child Architecture, this function dictates if the current class supports the loaded ELF file (which can be accessed via gef.binary). This callback function will override any assumption made by GEF to determine the architecture.

class ScanSectionCommand

Search for addresses that are located in a memory mapping (haystack) that belonging to another (needle).

function ScanSectionCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property ScanSectionCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function ScanSectionCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function ScanSectionCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function ScanSectionCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function ScanSectionCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function ScanSectionCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function ScanSectionCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function ScanSectionCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function ScanSectionCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function ScanSectionCommand.usage

usage() → None

class SearchPatternCommand

SearchPatternCommand: search a pattern in memory. If given an hex value (starting with 0x) the command will also try to look for upwards cross-references to this address.

function SearchPatternCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property SearchPatternCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function SearchPatternCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function SearchPatternCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function SearchPatternCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function SearchPatternCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function SearchPatternCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function SearchPatternCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function SearchPatternCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function SearchPatternCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function SearchPatternCommand.print_loc

print_loc(loc: Tuple[int, int, str]) → None

function SearchPatternCommand.print_section

print_section(section: __main__.Section) → None

function SearchPatternCommand.search_binpattern_by_address

    binpattern: bytes,
    start_address: int,
    end_address: int
) → List[Tuple[int, int, str]]

Search a binary pattern within a range defined by arguments.

function SearchPatternCommand.search_pattern

search_pattern(pattern: str, section_name: str) → None

Search a pattern within the whole userland memory.

function SearchPatternCommand.search_pattern_by_address

    pattern: str,
    start_address: int,
    end_address: int
) → List[Tuple[int, int, str]]

Search a pattern within a range defined by arguments.

function SearchPatternCommand.usage

usage() → None

class Section

GEF representation of process memory sections.

function Section.__init__

__init__(**kwargs: Any) → None

property Section.realpath

property Section.size

function Section.contains

contains(addr: int) → bool

function Section.is_executable

is_executable() → bool

function Section.is_readable

is_readable() → bool

function Section.is_writable

is_writable() → bool

function Section.overlaps

overlaps(other: 'Section') → bool

class SectionBaseFunction

Return the matching file's base address plus an optional offset. Defaults to current file. Note that quotes need to be escaped

function SectionBaseFunction.__init__

__init__() → None

function SectionBaseFunction.arg_to_long

arg_to_long(args: List, index: int, default: int = 0) → int

function SectionBaseFunction.do_invoke

do_invoke(args: List) → int

function SectionBaseFunction.invoke

invoke(*args: Any) → int

class Shdr

function Shdr.__init__

__init__(elf: Optional[__main__.Elf], off: int) → None

class ShellcodeCommand

ShellcodeCommand uses @JonathanSalwan simple-yet-awesome shellcode API to download shellcodes.

function ShellcodeCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property ShellcodeCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function ShellcodeCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function ShellcodeCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function ShellcodeCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(_: List[str]) → None

function ShellcodeCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function ShellcodeCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function ShellcodeCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function ShellcodeCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function ShellcodeCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function ShellcodeCommand.usage

usage() → None

class ShellcodeGetCommand

Download shellcode from shell-storm's shellcode database.

function ShellcodeGetCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property ShellcodeGetCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function ShellcodeGetCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function ShellcodeGetCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function ShellcodeGetCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function ShellcodeGetCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function ShellcodeGetCommand.get_shellcode

get_shellcode(sid: int) → None

function ShellcodeGetCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function ShellcodeGetCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function ShellcodeGetCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function ShellcodeGetCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function ShellcodeGetCommand.usage

usage() → None

class ShellcodeSearchCommand

Search pattern in shell-storm's shellcode database.

function ShellcodeSearchCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property ShellcodeSearchCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function ShellcodeSearchCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function ShellcodeSearchCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function ShellcodeSearchCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function ShellcodeSearchCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function ShellcodeSearchCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function ShellcodeSearchCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function ShellcodeSearchCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function ShellcodeSearchCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function ShellcodeSearchCommand.search_shellcode

search_shellcode(search_options: List) → None

function ShellcodeSearchCommand.usage

usage() → None

class SkipiCommand

Skip N instruction(s) execution

function SkipiCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property SkipiCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function SkipiCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function SkipiCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function SkipiCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function SkipiCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function SkipiCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function SkipiCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function SkipiCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function SkipiCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function SkipiCommand.usage

usage() → None

class SmartEvalCommand

SmartEval: Smart eval (vague approach to mimic WinDBG ?).

function SmartEvalCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property SmartEvalCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function SmartEvalCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function SmartEvalCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function SmartEvalCommand.distance

distance(args: List[str]) → None

function SmartEvalCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function SmartEvalCommand.evaluate

evaluate(expr: List[str]) → None

function SmartEvalCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function SmartEvalCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function SmartEvalCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function SmartEvalCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function SmartEvalCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function SmartEvalCommand.usage

usage() → None

class StackOffsetFunction

Return the current stack base address plus an optional offset.

function StackOffsetFunction.__init__

__init__() → None

function StackOffsetFunction.arg_to_long

arg_to_long(args: List, index: int, default: int = 0) → int

function StackOffsetFunction.do_invoke

do_invoke(args: List) → int

function StackOffsetFunction.invoke

invoke(*args: Any) → int

class StepoverCommand

Breaks on the instruction immediately following this one. Ex: Step over call instruction

function StepoverCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property StepoverCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function StepoverCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function StepoverCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function StepoverCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(_: List[str]) → None

function StepoverCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function StepoverCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function StepoverCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function StepoverCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function StepoverCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function StepoverCommand.usage

usage() → None

class StubBreakpoint

Create a breakpoint to permanently disable a call (fork/alarm/signal/etc.).

function StubBreakpoint.__init__

__init__(func: str, retval: Optional[int]) → None

function StubBreakpoint.stop

stop() → bool

class StubCommand

Stub out the specified function. This function is useful when needing to skip one function to be called and disrupt your runtime flow (ex. fork).

function StubCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property StubCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function StubCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function StubCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function StubCommand.wrapper

wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → Callable

function StubCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function StubCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function StubCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function StubCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function StubCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function StubCommand.usage

usage() → None

class TraceFreeBreakpoint

Track calls to free() and attempts to detect inconsistencies.

function TraceFreeBreakpoint.__init__

__init__() → None

function TraceFreeBreakpoint.stop

stop() → bool

class TraceFreeRetBreakpoint

Internal temporary breakpoint to track free()d values.

function TraceFreeRetBreakpoint.__init__

__init__(addr: int) → None

function TraceFreeRetBreakpoint.stop

stop() → bool

class TraceMallocBreakpoint

Track allocations done with malloc() or calloc().

function TraceMallocBreakpoint.__init__

__init__(name: str) → None

function TraceMallocBreakpoint.stop

stop() → bool

class TraceMallocRetBreakpoint

Internal temporary breakpoint to retrieve the return value of malloc().

function TraceMallocRetBreakpoint.__init__

__init__(size: int, name: str) → None

function TraceMallocRetBreakpoint.stop

stop() → bool

class TraceReallocBreakpoint

Track re-allocations done with realloc().

function TraceReallocBreakpoint.__init__

__init__() → None

function TraceReallocBreakpoint.stop

stop() → bool

class TraceReallocRetBreakpoint

Internal temporary breakpoint to retrieve the return value of realloc().

function TraceReallocRetBreakpoint.__init__

__init__(ptr: int, size: int) → None

function TraceReallocRetBreakpoint.stop

stop() → bool

class TraceRunCommand

Create a runtime trace of all instructions executed from $pc to LOCATION specified. The trace is stored in a text file that can be next imported in IDA Pro to visualize the runtime path.

function TraceRunCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property TraceRunCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function TraceRunCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function TraceRunCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function TraceRunCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function TraceRunCommand.get_frames_size

get_frames_size() → int

function TraceRunCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function TraceRunCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function TraceRunCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function TraceRunCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function TraceRunCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function TraceRunCommand.start_tracing

start_tracing(loc_start: int, loc_end: int, depth: int) → None

function TraceRunCommand.trace

trace(loc_start: int, loc_end: int, depth: int) → None

function TraceRunCommand.usage

usage() → None

class UafWatchpoint

Custom watchpoints set TraceFreeBreakpoint() to monitor free()d pointers being used.

function UafWatchpoint.__init__

__init__(addr: int) → None

function UafWatchpoint.stop

stop() → bool

If this method is triggered, we likely have a UaF. Break the execution and report it.

class VMMapCommand

Display a comprehensive layout of the virtual memory mapping. If a filter argument, GEF will filter out the mapping whose pathname do not match that filter.

function VMMapCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property VMMapCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function VMMapCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function VMMapCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function VMMapCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function VMMapCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function VMMapCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function VMMapCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function VMMapCommand.is_integer

is_integer(n: str) → bool

function VMMapCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function VMMapCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function VMMapCommand.print_entry

print_entry(entry: __main__.Section) → None

function VMMapCommand.show_legend

show_legend() → None

function VMMapCommand.usage

usage() → None

class ValidationError

class VersionCommand

Display GEF version info.

function VersionCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property VersionCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function VersionCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function VersionCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function VersionCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function VersionCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function VersionCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function VersionCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function VersionCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function VersionCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function VersionCommand.usage

usage() → None

class X86

property X86.endianness

property X86.fp

property X86.pc

property X86.ptrsize

property X86.registers

property X86.sp

function X86.canary_address

canary_address() → int

function X86.flag_register_to_human

flag_register_to_human(val: Optional[int] = None) → str

function X86.get_ith_parameter

get_ith_parameter(i: int, in_func: bool = True) → Tuple[str, Optional[int]]

function X86.get_ra

get_ra(insn: __main__.Instruction, frame: 'gdb.Frame') → Optional[int]

function X86.is_branch_taken

is_branch_taken(insn: __main__.Instruction) → Tuple[bool, str]

function X86.is_call

is_call(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function X86.is_conditional_branch

is_conditional_branch(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function X86.is_ret

is_ret(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function X86.mprotect_asm

mprotect_asm(addr: int, size: int, perm: __main__.Permission) → str

function X86.register

register(name: str) → int

function X86.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

function X86.supports_gdb_arch

supports_gdb_arch(gdb_arch: str) → Optional[bool]

If implemented by a child Architecture, this function dictates if the current class supports the loaded ELF file (which can be accessed via gef.binary). This callback function will override any assumption made by GEF to determine the architecture.

class X86_64

property X86_64.endianness

property X86_64.fp

property X86_64.pc

property X86_64.ptrsize

property X86_64.registers

property X86_64.sp

function X86_64.canary_address

canary_address() → int

function X86_64.flag_register_to_human

flag_register_to_human(val: Optional[int] = None) → str

function X86_64.get_ith_parameter

get_ith_parameter(i: int, in_func: bool = True) → Tuple[str, Optional[int]]

Retrieves the correct parameter used for the current function call.

function X86_64.get_ra

get_ra(insn: __main__.Instruction, frame: 'gdb.Frame') → Optional[int]

function X86_64.is_branch_taken

is_branch_taken(insn: __main__.Instruction) → Tuple[bool, str]

function X86_64.is_call

is_call(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function X86_64.is_conditional_branch

is_conditional_branch(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function X86_64.is_ret

is_ret(insn: __main__.Instruction) → bool

function X86_64.mprotect_asm

mprotect_asm(addr: int, size: int, perm: __main__.Permission) → str

function X86_64.register

register(name: str) → int

function X86_64.reset_caches

reset_caches() → None

function X86_64.supports_gdb_arch

supports_gdb_arch(gdb_arch: str) → Optional[bool]

If implemented by a child Architecture, this function dictates if the current class supports the loaded ELF file (which can be accessed via gef.binary). This callback function will override any assumption made by GEF to determine the architecture.

class XAddressInfoCommand

Retrieve and display runtime information for the location(s) given as parameter.

function XAddressInfoCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property XAddressInfoCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function XAddressInfoCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function XAddressInfoCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function XAddressInfoCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function XAddressInfoCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function XAddressInfoCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function XAddressInfoCommand.infos

infos(address: int) → None

function XAddressInfoCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function XAddressInfoCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function XAddressInfoCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function XAddressInfoCommand.usage

usage() → None

class XFilesCommand

Shows all libraries (and sections) loaded by binary. This command extends the GDB command info files, by retrieving more information from extra sources, and providing a better display. If an argument FILE is given, the output will grep information related to only that file. If an argument name is also given, the output will grep to the name within FILE.

function XFilesCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property XFilesCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function XFilesCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function XFilesCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function XFilesCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function XFilesCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function XFilesCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function XFilesCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function XFilesCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function XFilesCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function XFilesCommand.usage

usage() → None

class XorMemoryCommand

XOR a block of memory. The command allows to simply display the result, or patch it runtime at runtime.

function XorMemoryCommand.__init__

__init__() → None

property XorMemoryCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function XorMemoryCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function XorMemoryCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function XorMemoryCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(_: List[str]) → None

function XorMemoryCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function XorMemoryCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function XorMemoryCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function XorMemoryCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function XorMemoryCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function XorMemoryCommand.usage

usage() → None

class XorMemoryDisplayCommand

Display a block of memory pointed by ADDRESS by xor-ing each byte with KEY. The key must be provided in hexadecimal format.

function XorMemoryDisplayCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property XorMemoryDisplayCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function XorMemoryDisplayCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function XorMemoryDisplayCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function XorMemoryDisplayCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function XorMemoryDisplayCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function XorMemoryDisplayCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function XorMemoryDisplayCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function XorMemoryDisplayCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function XorMemoryDisplayCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function XorMemoryDisplayCommand.usage

usage() → None

class XorMemoryPatchCommand

Patch a block of memory pointed by ADDRESS by xor-ing each byte with KEY. The key must be provided in hexadecimal format.

function XorMemoryPatchCommand.__init__

__init__(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) → None

property XorMemoryPatchCommand.settings

Return the list of settings for this command.

function XorMemoryPatchCommand.add_setting

    name: str,
    value: Tuple[Any, type, str],
    description: str = ''
) → None

add_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] = value instead

function XorMemoryPatchCommand.del_setting

del_setting(name: str) → None

del_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use del self[setting_name] instead

function XorMemoryPatchCommand.do_invoke

do_invoke(argv: List[str]) → None

function XorMemoryPatchCommand.get_setting

get_setting(name: str) → Any

get_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use self[setting_name] instead

function XorMemoryPatchCommand.has_setting

has_setting(name: str) → bool

has_setting is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the future. Use setting_name in self instead

function XorMemoryPatchCommand.invoke

invoke(args: str, from_tty: bool) → None

function XorMemoryPatchCommand.post_load

post_load() → None

function XorMemoryPatchCommand.pre_load

pre_load() → None

function XorMemoryPatchCommand.usage

usage() → None

class Zone

Zone(name, zone_start, zone_end, filename)

class classproperty

Make the attribute a classproperty.

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