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Command nop

The nop command allows you to easily patch instructions with nops.

nop [LOCATION] [--i ITEMS] [--f] [--n] [--b]

LOCATION address/symbol to patch (by default this command replaces whole instructions)

--i ITEMS number of items to insert (default 1)

--f Force patch even when the selected settings could overwrite partial instructions

--n Instead of replacing whole instructions, insert ITEMS nop instructions, no matter how many instructions it overwrites

--b Instead of replacing whole instructions, fill ITEMS bytes with nops

nop the current instruction ($pc):

gef➤ nop

nop an instruction at $pc+3 address:

gef➤ nop $pc+3

nop two instructions at address $pc+3:

gef➤ nop --i 2 $pc+3

Replace 1 byte with nop at current instruction ($pc):

gef➤ nop --b

Replace 1 byte with nop at address $pc+3:

gef➤ nop --b $pc+3

Replace 2 bytes with nop(s) (breaking the last instruction) at address $pc+3:

gef➤ nop --f --b --i 2 $pc+3

Patch 2 nops at address $pc+3:

gef➤ nop --n --i 2 $pc+3